I've been having great difficulty with my installation of MC 27 (see
https://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php/topic,129018.0.html). I have had to erase and reinstall many times, without actually getting a working install. I'm afraid with the number of resets I've used that I will run out, and not be able to install at all. I did notice that there is mention on the wiki of getting restores restored by posting in this forum, and I am just checking that this is possible. Not there, yet, but if I don't figure this out soon, I will be.
Not having had to do this in the past, it occurs to me that I may be using restores when I don't need to. I am seeing a bunch of install keys in my mailbox. Can someone confirm that these can be used to reinstall the program without using a restore? It seems they are available for use for 14 days. That should alleviate the possibility of running out of restore options.
Sorry, if this is a silly question, but I have never had so much trouble with an upgrade to MC since I started using it around MC 18