yes that's me and you understand correctly, there are a large number of filters that have been designed to restore low frequency content on film/tv soundtracks & we now have a remote control app which can load those filters into certain DSP devices. To add support for MC, I minimally need 2 calls that do the following
1) get the DSP config for a zone, is equivalent to the save DSP file option in DSP studio
GET MCWS/v1/DSP/Save?Zone=12345&ZoneType=ID
response includes the same content the DSP file export would produce
2) set the DSP config for a zone, is equivalent to the load DSP file option in DSP studio
for this call, it would be ideal to be able to post the dsp file content in the body of the response
POST MCWS/v1/DSP/Load?Zone=12345&ZoneType=ID
BODY = dsp file content
I haven't seen any other MCWS calls that have a body though so not sure if some limitation there
if there is such a limitation then an approach that relies on access to a shared drive can be made to work
Thanks for considering this!