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Author Topic: Hang Loose Convolver for JRiver Windows, Mac, Linux, and Raspberry Pi  (Read 5922 times)


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One purpose of Hang Loose Convolver is to determine a preference for one eq filter over another while listening to music using speakers or headphones.

Hang Loose is designed to switch between level-matched FIR filters in real-time with no audible gaps or digital artifacts.

If you are eq'ing loudspeakers and headphones, and who isn't these days, how do you know if the eq sounds better or worse than with no eq? Or how do you know if Filter A sounds better or worse than Filter B? There is science behind how this works which is designed into HLConvolver.

Another purpose of Hang Loose is to host as many eq "presets" as one wants. Presets for loudspeakers or headphones or for different music genres or a special filter for low level listening, Hang Loose has you covered.

Key features:

Windows 10 and 11. MacOS 10.13 or later including Apple Silicon and Intel-based Mac computers. Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS or later.
seamless real-time switching between filters whether minimum phase or linear phase
autogain level matching with manual gain adjustment
import Acourate, Audiolense, Focus Fidelity, rePhase, DRC-FIR and REW filters
supports stereo 32-bit float wav FIR filters individually or bundled in a zip file
automatic filter switching based on host sample rate
r8brain resampler maintains filter frequency resolution for any sample rate
6 filterbanks x number of presets = dozens of FIR filters at one’s fingertips
system-wide and app specific convolution capabilities
supports streaming using different I/O audio devices without additional software
zero latency, uniform partition convolution engine
reports FIR filter latency to Host application for perfect lip-sync operation
standalone application mode and VST3/AU plugin mode

HLC VST3 plugin on Mac:

JRiver HLC side by side operation:


  • MC Beta Team
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Re: Hang Loose Convolver for JRiver Windows, Mac and (soon) Linux
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2022, 02:27:33 am »

Hang Loose Convolver multichannel version is now available for download at (Windows and Mac), which includes an updated Operations Guide:

New features include:

HLC implements the industry standard convolver "config" file specification: 
 - input and output delays with 0.1ms resolution.
 - input and output channel weights
 - summing input channels to a single output path - typically used for crosstalk cancellation filters.
 - both absolute and relative file paths to the filters are supported.
 - If the host sample rate changes, HLC will look for a matching .cfg filter to load automatically.

Updated features:

 - AutoGain algorithm has been improved to provide better level matching between filters.
 - Instant filter switching has been improved to provide glitch free operation regardless if the filters are minimum phase,
 - mixed phase or linear phase, including filters with excess phase correction.
 - Editing of dB gain values directly for the filter gain slider and master trim control.

Hang Loose Convolver - A Listening Demonstration demonstrates how to configure Hang Loose Convolver for 2, 4, 6, and 7.1.4 channel sound. The listening demonstration provides audible examples of instantly switching level-matched FIR filters regardless if they are minimum phase, mixed phase or linear phase filters.

The listening demonstration is designed to start off easy switching between filters that clearly have audible tonal differences and progressively getting harder to hear differences when comparing filters where only timing differences are made.

The intent is to be educational in training one's ears to hear filter differences, whether frequency and/or timing response related.



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Re: Hang Loose Convolver for JRiver Windows, Mac and Linux
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2024, 03:28:58 pm »

Does Hang Loose Convolver work in JRiver using DLNA? I have MC32 on my Macbook streaming to my amp. I can't seem to figure out how to enable the plug-in.


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Re: Hang Loose Convolver for JRiver Windows, Mac and Linux
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2024, 04:56:14 pm »

Sorry for the long delay. Yes, it does.

Longer answer, mostly provided by bob at JRiver: The thing to remember is DLNA is not stream based, it is file based. So the DSP happens on the file to be played as it is being converted into the format that will be sent to the device (in a temporary file). There is no easy way to determine if DSP is happening on a DLNA device other than your ears. JRiver DSP Studio (in DLNA) won't show any real time processing (like HLC meters for example) and you can't twiddle dials during playback.

For those wanting to experiment, Here is a set of FIR filters that do nothing other than roll off high frequencies:
That when loaded in HLC, one can tell if the DSP is being applied as it is obvious that the high frequencies are being rolled off. Then you can load your own filters knowing it is working.

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