I can't get ezBEQ to open properly regardless of how much I have tried modifying the ezbeq.yml file. Every time I try to launch the app, I can see a CMD window open for a fraction of a second, some data (that goes by me too fast to read) is in the window, and then the window disappears....game over.
Here is the latest iteration of the ezbeq.yml file that I am using:
accessLogging: false
debug: true
debugLogging: true
user: Bob
pass: XXX
block: 1
- C13
- SW
type: jriver
zone: Player
iconPath: C:\Users\bob
minidspCmdTimeout: 10
minidspExe: minidsp
useTwisted: true
I had originally tried port 8080, but even with a web browser I cannot connect to it, so I assume that some other application in my system is using it, but the web browser connects fine to I only have one machine running Windows 11 that has single installation of MC on it. I am not trying to do anything through my LAN. I do not own a miniDSP...does this program absolutely require one? BTW, I also tried deleting the 2 lines that reference the miniDSP, but that doesn't help either.
Also, using beqdesigner, when I test the connection to the server (in the JRiver MC tools window) to the same instance of MC on the same machine, it passes the connection test when setting it up, but comes up with an error when I try to connect the JRiver tool to retrieve the DSP Studio settings data, despite the fact that I have enabled BOTH parametric EQs within DSP Studio. The error reads:
Unable to load DSP file
Invalid file
Unsupported count 0
The same error pops up if I try to load the JRiver tool using a saved DSP file, so I think the problem is with the information in DSP Studio, not with the connection, but I could certainly be wrong. And once again, BOTH parametric EQs are enabled in DSP Studio, as I had read in the docs that at least one peq would need to be enabled.
Sorry for asking about 2 different apps in the same post, but I figured that Matt wrote both of them, and people who use one probably also use the other.
If anyone could offer any help for either problem, I would greatly appreciate it, as I am really anxious to try out both tools.
One other piece of information: beqDesigner launches just fine with no issues (after 3 or 4 tries) and I am able to load filters in through browsing the online data base ("Browse Catalog" under the tools section of the main window) and then save the files, but I can see no way to then send a loaded beq file to MC. Can I get around this problem by simply loading a saved filter into DSP Studio's Convolution block? Will that work? It is not as elegant as using ezBEQ properly, but I am getting desperate...