So MC goes out the door with half finished features.
Wonderful. Glad I rushed out to buy it. If had known the search functions were going to be crippled I might have thought twice about it.
Honestly, the search feature was better before the wizard was introduced. At least then it was consistent. It was just hard to use. Now it's a mess. Some of it works great with the wizard, other parts don't work with the wizard at all, and still other parts are impossible to use.
You may as well rip out any date related search function. MC's reputation would benefit by doing so, since, as has been pointed out numerous times, no sane human being can possibly know when "1034914551" was. And like Nila has pointed out on several occasions, every file receives it's own equally useless Imported "date", thus making it pointless to even bother to search by Import Date even if you DID know what "1034914551" meant.
And the Filename wizard... tell me how I'm supposed to differentiate between "E:\Documents\My Music\Complete Albu..." and "E:\Documents\My Music\Complete Albu...". I've got 2475 of these cluttering the Filename Search "Wizard".
I don't blame you for not taking any new features on. But at least finish the ones that are there. Sorry if I seem a bit peeved about this. I think you guys do an outstanding job. I really do.