I just upgraded from MC27 for Mac. I three questions:
1. In MC27 for Mac there is a Documents "folder" in the tree. Has this been abandoned in MC28? Is it available, but turned off ("...look ma, no more clutter...")? If so, how do I turn it back on? I ask because often my DVDs rip as data files and show up in Documents until I get the tagging corrected. Without the Documents "folder", I don't know where these files will end up.
2. In MC27, my TV Shows were sorted by [Series] and [Season] in the Tree. With MC28 all episodes are shown in the same drop down in the tree. Again, is sorting by [Season] a feature which has been turned off? Can I turn it back on again?
3. I have several episodes of the series House in my library. When I imported my media files into MC28 I lost almost all the metadata for [Season], [Episode] and [Rating]. That didn't happen to any of my other media files. Does anyone have an explanation? Is there a way to get that metadata (especially the ratings)? Does MC simply hate Greg House? He is kind of a jerk...