First kudos to the UK for coverage:
BY FAR SkyNews is the best of the X international channels we have here.
Far better than Fox and CNN.
Of cause i do not speak about pictures ,but the way they explain built it and so on.
I am not King ,but i can tell you about the last time and now.
We are in sealed rooms the same .
First time we got a kind of 'first serving' at the very start and not a too much deadly one.
Today ,we did not get anything YET. We may get big.
Anyway ,allways the same: we have nothing to do with it ,but we get troubles.
If there is a way that we NEVER EVER from ANYONE have this kind of menace again ,i really do not care how many people need to be kill to get this result
Now ,to say 'you gave guns to him ' and so on is just stupids arguments.
Two kinds of 'visions' are confronting:
part of Europe who wants to keep the 'status quo' as it is.
nothing perfect , but ,with time things MAY developed , and so on.
The price to pay is to keep to support tyranic regimes ,or to 'close eyes ' on it. To let anti-democratic regimes do as they like and so on.
Beside this things may developed not to democratie but to islamic regims.
The other thing is that ,unlike USA , most of the countrys on this line had wars on they own grounds and may be coward to start a new one.
On the other side you have the anglo-saxon view NOT THE US VIEW, the anglo-saxon view as i say.
You have to try to accelerate things,to depose the most dangerous regimes and ,like dominos , other countrys will move and change.
And yes , to US president at least, there is a religious dimension.
And ,who knows ,he may be right?
There is a need to see things as they are and stop this f..k s..t of politically correct.
YES ,islam is a problem. Not it is worse than christianity few centurys ago , it is the same. Just 600 hundred years later
And it is a problem because you never heard the SO CALL MODERATE ONES.
And not because they do not have access to media- you cannot say that leaders of states do not have access to them-
Because they ,for a part feel for the integrist side.
It is a religion of peace [?] , but since born it is only a religion of conquetes ,armys and massacres.
Christians want to convert all to they religion,muslims want to destroy all not of they religion.
And there is NO culture of democratie in islam.
There NOT only one muslin country close to be allmost a democratie.
Democratie and islam look like 2 words hard to put together.
So you are great and generous on this forum and all other the white world. Good talibans gone ,now this people are free.
Like yesterday .
Irakis people may be free soon or not. If yes they will just built another mess.
I do not have a position ,allmost not an opinion.
But may see things as they are, who knows.
I do not care about death ,if not ME ,the ones i love and my people ,beside it ,it is just numbers.
And in many many point i fell closer to arabs than white christians.
It was Adolf not Massoud if i'am right