The slider doesn't change the volume. Playing with the PC's audio output settings doesn't change the volume coming through that s/pdif output.
I guess my question is, should it? And to answer your question, what volume setting are you talking about? I'm not using a dsp function.
As it stands, I've selected the only Player settings that get me an output the Fosi can do anything with. It's in either the S/dif Direct Sound or Wasabi configuration. I also downloaded and installed ASIO4All because I needed that before when I was connecting through a DLNA connection.
With DLNA my Yamaha showed up in the player list. With the Fosi Player is now the direct connection.
I'm curious what volume settings I should be playing with. I've had JRiver since 22 so I'm moderately familiar poking around. I did figure out a DLNA connection without a bit of help from Yamaha... ha