Hi zybex! Do I need to calculate stats or can I run ONLY RunExpressions?
My use case for example is that:
BEFORE: Collect every movie name (movies I have) to a list
AFTER: Check collected list against recommendations list and if match then enter item to field which tells me that I have that title which is recommended for this movie
(expressions are just sketch ups at this point so there may be errors)
## ZStats config file
## Instructions: Read all comments in this file to learn about what each setting does
## [JRiver] section:
## - check the MC connection info (MANDATORY)
## - enable or disable ZStats functionality flags
## - check if HistoryField matches your MC field name for Play History
## - change other settings if needed on this section (defaults should be OK for most cases)
## [Stats] sections (if UpdateStats=1):
## - check the config for each section; you can add more sections if needed
## - set enabled=1 to activate a section. ZStats will update the [UpdateField] with the statistics
## [Playlists] section (if UpdatePlaylists=1):
## - add or remove playlist definitions. ZStats will create/update the listed playlists
## [RunBefore] and [RunAfter] sections (if RunExpressions=1):
## - Enter ExpressionLanguage code to be executed before/after processing the statistics
## MC server connection and global settings
MCserver=https://localhost:52200 # alternative syntax
MCFilter=[Media Sub Type]=[Movies] # filter to limit processing to a given set of files
UpdateStats=0 # 1 to update stats as defined in [Stats] sections, 0 to disable
UpdatePlaylists=0 # 1 to enable playlist processing, 0 to disable
RunExpressions=1 # 1 to execute [RunBefore] and [RunAfter] expression, 0 to disable
CreateFields=0 # 1 to create missing output fields, 0 to disable (allow only update)
## expressions to execute on each file BEFORE statistics and playlists are updated
SaveAdd(;[Original Title]), v_MoviesList)
## expressions to execute on each file AFTER statistics and playlists are updated
#setField(Stats Updated, formatdate(now(),%c))
ListMix(If(ListContains([v_MoviesList],RemoveRight(ListItem([L1],1,/ /[),1)),SetField(RecInLibrary, [RecInLibrary];RemoveRight(ListItem([L1],1,/ /[),1),),,[Recommended Titles])