I always like to sort my views by Track, Album, Year, Artist.
But when I, for example, want to peruse my most recently imported songs and play a selection of them, the "Currently Playing"/"Player" playlist doesn't start out that way.
No problem, that's why I saved the sort order.
However, whenever I'm in the Currently Playing list, I can't load my sorting profile(s).
"Ah, maybe that's because this is a playlist that uses the 'Seq' (sequence) expression column to sort its entries for playback"
-> I don't think that's an issue; we can sort manually and, if we wish those changes to be reflected in the playback order, request to update the
Seq based on the current sorting
"Maybe the sorting profile(s) was/were made without the "Seq" column, but that column is important in the context of playlists, thus nothing changes unless the Seq is explicitly included"
-> I tried re-saving my presets in the Currently Playing view, with and without explicitly sorting by Seq first. No change
Also, the order sometimes reverts to only sorting by Seq on its own; like when the next track is played or I right-click on the column headers.
Whereas the first part seems like I might just be missing something, the second part definitely feels undesired/like a bug.
Video of the behavior:
Yes, I can work around this: I could just bite the bullet and do it manually every time, or I could use a smart list that filters the most recent imports and sorts them by T/A/Y/A. But:
- If the options are there, it should work (IMO)
- The latter work-around doesn't generalize, and even in this scenario, you lose some control and convenience in selecting what you'd like to play
Does anyone know what to do?