This function is used to set up a TV recording (i.e. to set up a recording rule on the server).
The function takes a large number of parameters (some of which are optional). They are basically options and settings that you encounter when setting up a recording using GUI. I will fill in more details later.
RuleName: Specify a rule name. For example you can use the program name (series name or episode name). Optional, especially if ExistingRuleID is provided. (default: )
RecType: Type of recording. 1: record program; 2: record by time and channel; 3: set to no recording (do not use for this function); 4: subscription search; 5: subscription by time. (default: 1)
ProgKey: Program key of the guide program to record, must be included if RecType of 1. Can be included for other types too. (default: )
ExistingRuleID: Existing recording rule ID. Optional. Needed only if calling this function to modify an existing recording rule. Can also be skipped if ProgKey is valid and RecType is 1. (default: 0)
Channels: Semicolon-separated list of channel keys (empty or -1 means all channels). Needed for RecType of 2 (single channel), 4 (multiple channels allowed), and 5 (single channel) (default: )
ExtBefore: Recording prepadding. Specifies number of minutes by which to start recording early. Empty means use user configured default value. (default: )
ExtAfter: Recording postpadding. Specifies number of minutes by which to end recording late. Empty means use user configured default value. (default: )
SubRules: Subscription rules using expression language, used with RecType 4 only. Optional if ProgKey is also provided. Example: ([Name]="College Basketball" or [Series]="College Basketball") ([Name]="Duke" or [Description]="Duke"). (default: )
ProgName: Program name. Needed only with time-based recordings (RecType 2 and 5) (default: )
SubTimeMode: Subscription search time mode, used with RecType of 4. 0: All showing; 1: One per week near anchor time; 2: One per day near anchor time; 3: One per day near prime time; 4: One per day near middle of night. (default: )
SubTimeAnchor: Subscription search anchor time, used with RecType of 4. Use string representation of system date-time format. Not needed for other recording types, and not needed if a ProgKey is also provided. (default: )
NoRerun: Subscription search do not include reruns. 0 or 1. Needed only for RecType of 4. Optional. If not specified, default value will be applied. (default: )
OnlyIfNotPrevRecorded: Subscription search only programs not previously recorded. Needed only for RecType of 4. Optional. If not specified, default value will be applied. (default: )
FieldsToCompare: When OnlyIfNotPrevRecorded is specified, which fields are used to determine whether a program is previously already recorded. Bitwise ORing of the following values: 1: [Name], 2: [Seires], 4: [Description], 8: [Season], 16: [Episode]. So a value of 7 means [Name], [Seires], and [Description] all must match to be considered a match. Needed only for RecType of 4. Optional. If not specified, default value 7 will be applied. (default: 7)
StartTime: Starting time of the recording. Needed only for RecType of 2 and 5, and may be skipped if ProgKey is provided. (default: )
Duration: Duration of the recording, in minutes. Needed only for RecType of 2 and 5, and only if ProgKey is not provided. (default: )
DaysOfWeek: Semi-colon separated list of days. 1: Sunday, 2: Monday, 3: Tuesday, etc. Needed only for RecType of 5. (default: )
QualityPref: Preferred video quality. 0: HD video, 1: SD video. Needed only for RecType of 4. (default: )
Priority: Priority of the recording. Integers 1 - 100. Predefined values are 25: Low, 40: Medium-low, 50: Medium (default), 60: Medium-high, 75: High. Optional, defaults to Medium. (default: )
KeepDays: Number of days to keep the recording before it is automatically deleted. Optional. Default to no cleanup (0). (default: )
KeepEpisodes: Number of episodes to keep. Applicable only for subscription recordings (types 4 and 5). Oldest episodes over this number will be deleted. Optional. Default to no cleanup (0). (default: )
RecRuleID: Recording rule ID. Positive values are valid. 0 is invalid.