Since I can't get MC to play nice if MakeMKV is running (MC tries to scan drives relentlessly, eventually causing MC to crash/hang permanently and any open instance of MakeMKV will error out), I started trying to use MC w/ MakeMKV but the experience is not exactly a confidence builder for me. Maybe it's something I am doing, and I am open to anything folks recommend.
If I swap discs, say I am ripping 2 discs, one finishes and I want to move to the next, there's a high probability that MC will hang, and maybe eventually it will continue on to scanning the drive and letting me rip, but if it hangs for a long period, which it tends to do often, it will hang the program to the point of having to reboot or wait 20+ minutes to let MC open again while Windows tries to kill hung processes.
If I put 2 discs in at the same time, no MakeMKV process running, they run fine. As soon as I swap one of the discs on completion, drop another disc in, it will most likely hang MC.
It seems MC really, really, really only wants you to rip 1 disc at a time or only swapping discs at the same time. With 3500+ discs I am ripping through, this is tiresome and not efficient.
The other issue is weird. I will try to type names into the MakeMKV boxes and if I hit a space, I lose focus on the window. I cannot type a space. While I can get around it with _ and such, in MakeMKV there is zero limitation like this and I would like to use spaces.
Both of these issues occur in MC 29 on a Windows 10 PC I have and my main Win 11 PC.
If there isn't a way for me to make the MakeMKV process more reliable, is there any way I can just kill the disc scanning process in MC when a new disc is inserted and go back to using MakeMKV which is reliable as long as MC isn't running?
Before anyone recommends turning off Windows defender etc, MakeMKV does not have either of these issues; I can rip and swap with no problem. I have also disabled Defender completely and it still has the same issues, so antivirus is not my issue.