Thank you!!! I'm sure I just fumbled some keypresses and ended up that way. There are just SOOOO many options and tools in this program that I'm sure I miss a lot, like this tag display one for example. I'm always digging around in the various menus and options, but I don't think I have seen anything about this tag display option. Anyway, thanks again.
Maybe you can help me with one of the big tagging issues I have that I can't figure out. I'm constantly getting lots of new, short video files of band rehearsals, performances, etc. and I like to set custom thumbnails to differentiate them as sometimes I'll have multiple rehearsal videos of the same song or multiple takes of an acting scene. Now I have to watch the video to find the frame I want to use, take the time stamp and convert it into milliseconds I think it is, and then enter that number into the Thumbnail Position tag. Since I'm often doing this to a large number of new files, I've been trying to setup some sort of script that lets me just hit a keystroke while watching the video and have it automatically store the current timestamp to that tag, but I can't seem to find a function or command that returns the current time of the file that is playing. I did find something about current time, but it seemed to be related to a playlist and not just the one file playing. It's late here and I'm rambling on after a few glasses of wine with dinner so I'll stop now and come back later and try to explain this more clearly (and less verbosely).