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Author Topic: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux  (Read 29615 times)


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installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« on: October 10, 2022, 03:24:46 pm »


This self-contained program will install JRiver Media Center and associated services on most major Linux distros.

You can always find the latest version of installJRMC, changelog, and documentation in my repository.

Major changes for MC30
  • RPM packages have been renamed from MediaCenter to mediacenterXX, with XX being the major version number (i.e. mediacenter30) to improve consistency with Debian naming conventions and licensing.
  • mesa-va-drivers-freeworld (RPMFusion) is installed automatically from RPMFusion on Fedora/CentOS to enable hardware acceleration.

Download and unzip installJRMC from the attachment below or grab the latest stable version directly from my repo and execute it:

Code: [Select]
curl -O &&
chmod +x ./installJRMC &&
./installJRMC [--option [ARGUMENT]]

Running `installJRMC` without any options will install the latest version of JRiver Media Center from the official JRiver repository (Ubuntu/Debian) or my unofficial repository (Fedora/CentOS) using the system package manager (i.e. --install repo). If any other option is passed, then the install method (--install repo or --install local) must be specified. This makes it possible to install services and containers independent of MC.


Code: [Select]
$ installJRMC --help
--install, -i repo|local
    repo: Install MC from repository, future updates will be handled by the system package manager
    local: Build and install MC package from official source package
    Build RPM from source DEB but do not install
    Optionally, specify a target distro for cross-building (ex. --build=suse, note the '=')
    Build/install MC without minimum dependency version requirements
--mcversion VERSION
    Build or install a specific MC version, ex. "30.0.72"
--arch ARCH
    Specify the MC architecture, ex. "amd64", "arm64", etc (default: host architecture)
--outputdir PATH
    Generate rpmbuild output in this PATH (default: ./output)
--restorefile RESTOREFILE
    Restore file location for automatic license registration
--betapass PASSWORD
    Enter beta team password for access to beta builds
--service, -s SERVICE
    See SERVICES section below for the list of services to deploy
  --service-type user|system
      Starts services at boot (system) or user login (user) (default: per-service, see SERVICES)
--container, -c CONTAINER (TODO: Under construction)
    See CONTAINERS section below for a list of containers to deploy
    Build rpm, copy to webroot, and run createrepo.
    Optionally, specify a target distro for non-native repo (ex. --createrepo=fedora, note the '=')
  --createrepo-webroot PATH
      The webroot directory to install the repo (default: /var/www/jriver/)
  --createrepo-user USER
      The web server user if different from the current user
--version, -v
    Print this script version and exit
--debug, -d
    Print debug output
--help, -h
    Print help dialog and exit
--uninstall, -u
    Uninstall JRiver MC, service files, and firewall rules (does not remove library or media files)


Code: [Select]
jriver-mediaserver (user)
    Enable and start a mediaserver systemd service (requires an existing X server)
jriver-mediacenter (user)
    Enable and start a mediacenter systemd service (requires an existing X server)
jriver-x11vnc (user)
    Enable and start x11vnc for the local desktop (requires an existing X server, does NOT support Wayland)
  --vncpass and --display are also valid options (see below)
jriver-xvnc (system)
    Enable and start a new Xvnc session running JRiver Media Center
  --vncpass PASSWORD
    Set vnc password for x11vnc/Xvnc access. If no password is set, the script will either use existing password stored in ~/.vnc/jrmc_passwd or use no password
  --display DISPLAY
    Manually specify display to use for x11vnc/Xvnc (ex. ':1')
jriver-createrepo (system)
    Install hourly service to build latest MC RPM and run createrepo
    By default installs as root service to handle www permissions more gracefully

By default, MC services use a sane `--service-type` listed next to the service name in the Services description. User services can be manipulated as an unprivileged user, for example: systemctl --user stop jriver-mediacenter and begin at user login. System services are manipulable as root, for example: sudo systemctl stop jriver-servicename@username.service and begin at system boot. Note that it is possible to run all services of a particular user at boot using sudo loginctl enable-linger username.

Multiple services (but not --service-types) can be installed at one time using multiple --service blocks:
Code: [Select]
installJRMC --install repo --service jriver-x11vnc --service jriver-mediacenter
jriver-x11vnc versus jriver-xvnc

jriver-x11vnc shares your existing X display via VNC and can be combined with additional services to start Media Center or Media Server. Conversely, jriver-xvnc creates a new Xvnc display and starts a JRiver Media Center service in the foreground of the new VNC display.


Coming soon!


`installJRMC` automatically creates port forwarding firewall rules for remote access to Media Network (52100-52200/tcp, 1900/udp DLNA) and Xvnc/x11vnc (if selected), using `firewall-cmd` or `ufw`.
Note: `ufw` is not installed by default on Debian but will be installed by `installJRMC`. To prevent SSH lock-out, Debian users that have not already enabled `ufw` will need to `sudo ufw enable` after running `installJRMC` and inspecting their configuration.


Code: [Select]
installJRMCInstall the latest version of MC from the best available repository.
Code: [Select]
installJRMC --install local --compatInstall a more widely-compatible version of the latest MC version.
Code: [Select]
installJRMC --install repo --service jriver-mediacenter --service-type userInstall MC from the repository and start/enable jriver-mediacenter.service as a user service.
Code: [Select]
installJRMC --install local --compat --restorefile /path/to/license.mjr --mcversion 30.0.72Build and install an MC 30.0.72 comptability RPM locally and activate it using the /path/to/license.mjr
Code: [Select]
installJRMC --createrepo --createrepo-webroot /srv/jriver/repo --createrepo-user www-userBuild an RPM locally for the current distro, move it to the webroot, and run createrepo as www-user.
Code: [Select]
installJRMC --service jriver-createrepo --createrepo-webroot /srv/jriver/repo --createrepo-user www-userInstall the jriver-createrepo timer and service to build the RPM, move it to the webroot, and run createrepo as www-user hourly.
Code: [Select]
installJRMC --install repo --service jriver-x11vnc --service jriver-mediacenter --vncpass "letmein"Install services to share the existing local desktop via VNC and automatically run MC on startup.
Code: [Select]
installJRMC --install repo --service jriver-xvnc --display ":2"Install an Xvnc server on display ':2' that starts MC.
Code: [Select]
installJRMC --uninstallUninstall MC, services, and firewall rules. This will not remove your media, media library/database, or library backup folder.

Additional Info

Did you find installJRMC useful? Buy me a coffee!

Did you find a bug? Let me know on Interact!


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2022, 03:36:27 pm »

Thanks for this!


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2022, 03:59:53 pm »

Thanks, Bryan!


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2022, 02:09:28 pm »

I would also like to add my appreciation, Bryan. Thank you very much indeed. I love it when it just works 'cause I am no good at all with this.
rPi5/8GB, Debian 12 Bookworm on SSD | JRMark (33.0.71): 2746
MacBookPro (2013), 2.6 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7, MacOS 11.7.17 | JRMark (33.0.71): 3034
Mac Studio M2 Max, 64GB, 1TB SSD, macOS Sequoia 15.1.1 | JRMark (33.0.71): 8956
Docker Container (shiomax) DS1819+ | JRMark (33.0.71): 1449
JRemote 3.43
MO 4Media 1.5.7 | Marantz SR7007 (RSL 5.1) HDMI to MacBookPro


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2022, 02:45:43 am »

Thanks for the work Bryan. mediacenter30 (installed with installJRMC master) works for me on fedora 36, gnome 42 wayland, but I have a problem. It is very slow at startup (first a black screen before a correct display): about one minute to be operational. And very unresponsive: several seconds for each click.
Compared to the mac version (I have mediacenter26), it's night and day.
Any ideas?


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2022, 08:29:06 am »

Thanks for the work Bryan. mediacenter30 (installed with installJRMC master) works for me on fedora 36, gnome 42 wayland, but I have a problem. It is very slow at startup (first a black screen before a correct display): about one minute to be operational. And very unresponsive: several seconds for each click.
Compared to the mac version (I have mediacenter26), it's night and day.
Any ideas?

MC for Linux is a little slower for me than on other platforms, but it shouldn't be taking a minute to launch. Try launching mediacenter30 from the command line to see if there are any errors or missing libraries. Also check your system logs (journalctl) and run a JRMark benchmark to see if there are any performance bottlenecks. You can also try clearing the library or temporarily moving "~/.jriver/Media Center 30" to make sure that there isn't an issue with your library. You'll also want to make sure that the nocow (C) attribute is set for that directory too (installJRMC should do this automatically if it detects a btrfs partition) as this can impact database performance.

Last thing I can think of is to make sure you've restored your license manually (mediacenter30 /RestoreFromFile ./MediaCenterLicense.mjr) as perhaps there is an issue with SSL certs or general connectivity during license check on startup?


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2022, 02:19:42 pm »

Thanks for the answer.
I finally reinstall mediacenter30 with this command line:
installJRMC --install local --compat --restorefile /path/to/license.mjr --mcversion 30.0.17

everything is ok: speed, no latency after a click ! Nice
 :D :D


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2022, 10:12:40 am »

I just released rc2 with a few notable changes/fixes. Starting X11 services in Fedora and Ubuntu has diverged so I've added a workaround for both platforms. mesa-va-drivers-freeworld is now a soft dependency in the Fedora/CentOS RPM, and installJRMC will automatically install it on those platforms using dnf swap from RPMFusion. SSL cert symlinks should be fixed as well.


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2022, 01:02:48 pm »

Thank you Bryan!
rPi5/8GB, Debian 12 Bookworm on SSD | JRMark (33.0.71): 2746
MacBookPro (2013), 2.6 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7, MacOS 11.7.17 | JRMark (33.0.71): 3034
Mac Studio M2 Max, 64GB, 1TB SSD, macOS Sequoia 15.1.1 | JRMark (33.0.71): 8956
Docker Container (shiomax) DS1819+ | JRMark (33.0.71): 1449
JRemote 3.43
MO 4Media 1.5.7 | Marantz SR7007 (RSL 5.1) HDMI to MacBookPro


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2023, 04:10:21 pm »

the rc2 version doesn't seem to work for me (OS: Buster).
./installJRMC: row 1636: exec: sudo add-apt-repository -y universe: Not found

Downloaded rc1 - run it - worked again


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2023, 08:08:06 am »

the rc2 version doesn't seem to work for me (OS: Buster).
./installJRMC: row 1636: exec: sudo add-apt-repository -y universe: Not found

Downloaded rc1 - run it - worked again

Hmm, I cannot replicate and it shouldn't install the universe repository on Debian, only Ubuntu. Could you try running with "--debug" and posting the output?


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2023, 10:03:02 am »

Hmm, I cannot replicate and it shouldn't install the universe repository on Debian, only Ubuntu. Could you try running with "--debug" and posting the output?

I've just got the same thing Bryan


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2023, 10:05:04 am »

I've just got the same thing Bryan

First Debugging on!
Debug: Running: init
Starting installJRMC
To enable debugging output, use --debug or -d
Debug: Detected host platform: raspbian 11
Autodetecting distro, this may be unreliable and --compat may also be required
Debug: Using host platform: ubuntu 11
Debug: Running: parseInput
Debugging on
installJRMC version: 1.0-rc2
Debug: Running: setMCVersion
Debug: Running: installPackage --silent buildah
Debug: buildah already installed, skipping installation
Using MC version 30.0.45-armhf determined by containerized package manager.
To override, use --mcversion.
Debug: MVERSION: 30, MCVERSION: 30.0.45-armhf, MCPKG: mediacenter30, MCRPM: /home/pi/output/RPMS/x86_64/mediacenter30-30.0.45-armhf.x86_64.rpm
Adding universe repository
Debug: sudo add-apt-repository -y universe
//home/pi/installJRMC: line 1636: exec: sudo add-apt-repository -y universe: not found


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #13 on: January 03, 2023, 10:07:47 am »

First Debugging on!
Debug: Running: init
Starting installJRMC
To enable debugging output, use --debug or -d
Debug: Detected host platform: raspbian 11
Autodetecting distro, this may be unreliable and --compat may also be required
Debug: Using host platform: ubuntu 11
Debug: Running: parseInput
Debugging on
installJRMC version: 1.0-rc2
Debug: Running: setMCVersion
Debug: Running: installPackage --silent buildah
Debug: buildah already installed, skipping installation
Using MC version 30.0.45-armhf determined by containerized package manager.
To override, use --mcversion.
Debug: MVERSION: 30, MCVERSION: 30.0.45-armhf, MCPKG: mediacenter30, MCRPM: /home/pi/output/RPMS/x86_64/mediacenter30-30.0.45-armhf.x86_64.rpm
Adding universe repository
Debug: sudo add-apt-repository -y universe
//home/pi/installJRMC: line 1636: exec: sudo add-apt-repository -y universe: not found
armhf and amd64??


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #14 on: January 03, 2023, 11:04:11 am »

In rc3 I've added Raspbian detection to treat it like Debian and not Ubuntu, this should fix it for you. I've never officially tested on ARM but I've been informed it works fine.


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #15 on: January 03, 2023, 12:22:00 pm »

In rc3 I've added Raspbian detection to treat it like Debian and not Ubuntu, this should fix it for you. I've never officially tested on ARM but I've been informed it works fine.

That's now working thanks Bryan


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2023, 05:31:08 pm »

I've added rudimentary and untested Arch Linux install support in v1.0-rc4 using the --install local method. Arch is kind of a pain to setup for reproducible testing in a VM so no guarantees, good luck!

Code: [Select]
./installJRMC --install local --debug

Awesome Donkey

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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2023, 06:16:07 pm »

You could use EndeavourOS or Manjaro as a test platform, as both use the AUR that Arch uses for apps like MC. If it works in either one, it *should* also work in Arch.
I don't work for JRiver... I help keep the forums safe from "male enhancements" and other sources of sketchy pharmaceuticals.

Windows 11 24H2 Update 64-bit + Ubuntu 24.10 Oracular Oriole 64-bit (AMD 7900X CPU/AMD 7800 XT GPU/64GB RAM/2TB M.2 NVMe SSD)
macOS Sequoia 15.3.2 (M4 Mac Mini 16GB RAM/256GB SSD)
Windows 11 24H2 Update 64-bit (Intel N305 Fanless NUC 16GB RAM/500GB M.2 NVMe SSD)
JRiver Media Center 33 (Windows + Mac + Linux) | iFi ZEN DAC 3 | JBL 306P MkII Studio Monitors | Audio-Technica ATH-M50x Headphones


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #18 on: January 07, 2023, 10:47:27 am »

You could use EndeavourOS or Manjaro as a test platform, as both use the AUR that Arch uses for apps like MC. If it works in either one, it *should* also work in Arch.

Thanks, Manjaro was much less of a headache, I made a few fixes and it builds and runs now in my master branch. I will try to polish it up later.



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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2023, 11:31:14 am »

I just installed JRiver 30 on a nuc with debian 11, cf,134152.0.html. no errors. Just want a trial version running. By starting JRiver I only get twice an empty window with ok. nothing else. Any suggestions?

Awesome Donkey

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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #20 on: January 24, 2023, 11:34:49 am »

Do you have a monitor connected to the device running MC or are you running it headless? From past experience if you're seeing only a white window that typically means the OS isn't running at a high enough color depth MC needs. If running headless MC likely needs a dummy X server installed and running.
I don't work for JRiver... I help keep the forums safe from "male enhancements" and other sources of sketchy pharmaceuticals.

Windows 11 24H2 Update 64-bit + Ubuntu 24.10 Oracular Oriole 64-bit (AMD 7900X CPU/AMD 7800 XT GPU/64GB RAM/2TB M.2 NVMe SSD)
macOS Sequoia 15.3.2 (M4 Mac Mini 16GB RAM/256GB SSD)
Windows 11 24H2 Update 64-bit (Intel N305 Fanless NUC 16GB RAM/500GB M.2 NVMe SSD)
JRiver Media Center 33 (Windows + Mac + Linux) | iFi ZEN DAC 3 | JBL 306P MkII Studio Monitors | Audio-Technica ATH-M50x Headphones


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #21 on: January 24, 2023, 11:45:44 am »

Also of course don't run as root or sudo.


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #22 on: January 24, 2023, 12:24:35 pm »

Do you have a monitor connected to the device running MC or are you running it headless? From past experience if you're seeing only a white window that typically means the OS isn't running at a high enough color depth MC needs. If running headless MC likely needs a dummy X server installed and running.
Yes a monitor, get only a small window called information, empty only the word ok


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #23 on: January 24, 2023, 01:19:15 pm »

So what happens when you hit OK?


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #24 on: January 24, 2023, 01:29:21 pm »

So what happens when you hit OK?
It disapears then get an other window, again ok, then It disapears and then nothing.....


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #25 on: January 24, 2023, 04:39:11 pm »

It disapears then get an other window, again ok, then It disapears and then nothing.....
And when you restart it?
If you still get the issue maybe the skins were not copied completely on first start (that takes a bit).
try removing the
~.jriver/Media\ Center\ 30/Skins
directory and re-running MC.
Don't remove anything else.



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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #26 on: January 25, 2023, 01:19:18 am »

jriver dir is empty


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #27 on: January 25, 2023, 10:00:00 am »

jriver dir is empty
That's just a screenshot of your install.
Did you do
Code: [Select]
rm -rf ~/.jriver/Media\ Center\ 30/SkinsThen re-run


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #28 on: January 25, 2023, 10:03:23 am »

Also try launching MC directly from the terminal using "mediacenter30' and check output for anything interesting (missing libraries, permission errors).


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #29 on: January 25, 2023, 11:59:17 am »

Yes I did, rm -rf ~/.jriver/Media\ Center\ 30/Skins, though no console message, rerun, the same no change, still 2 empty windows with ok.


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #30 on: January 25, 2023, 01:38:03 pm »

I just pushed a bunch of changes I've been working on to my master branch. There's nothing that should explicitly fix your issue, but might as well give the latest version a try to see if it helps.

I've cleaned up a lot of code in prep for the next release. Arch users should have firewall support now if they have firewalld (firewall-cmd) or ufw installed.


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #31 on: January 30, 2023, 04:54:00 am »

Also try launching MC directly from the terminal using "mediacenter30' and check output for anything interesting (missing libraries, permission errors).
nothing is installed in the default direcory, as I told you dir is empty. So starting from terminal just tells you that in Dutch
cp: kan het normale bestand '/home/rob/.jriver/Media Center 30/Visualizations/Vis Studio/Planetarium/Vertical Silliness.mjv' niet aanmaken: Bestand of map bestaat niet
cp: kan het normale bestand '/home/rob/.jriver/Media Center 30/Visualizations/Vis Studio/Planetarium/Violent Galaxy.mjv' niet aanmaken: Bestand of map bestaat niet
cp: kan het normale bestand '/home/rob/.jriver/Media Center 30/Visualizations/Vis Studio/Planetarium/Vortex World.mjv' niet aanmaken: Bestand of map bestaat niet
cp: kan het normale bestand '/home/rob/.jriver/Media Center 30/Visualizations/Vis Studio/Planetarium/Wind & Light.mjv' niet aanmaken: Bestand of map bestaat niet
cp: kan het normale bestand '/home/rob/.jriver/Media Center 30/Visualizations/Vis Studio/Spectrum Analyzer/America.mjv' niet aanmaken: Bestand of map bestaat niet
cp: kan het normale bestand '/home/rob/.jriver/Media Center 30/Visualizations/Vis Studio/Spectrum Analyzer/Black & White.mjv' niet aanmaken: Bestand of map bestaat niet
cp: kan het normale bestand '/home/rob/.jriver/Media Center 30/Visualizations/Vis Studio/Spectrum Analyzer/Classic.mjv' niet aanmaken: Bestand of map bestaat niet
cp: kan het normale bestand '/home/rob/.jriver/Media Center 30/Visualizations/Vis Studio/Spectrum Analyzer/Cover Art Spectrum.mjv' niet aanmaken: Bestand of map bestaat niet
cp: kan het normale bestand '/home/rob/.jriver/Media Center 30/Visualizations/Vis Studio/Spectrum Analyzer/Infinite Sandance.mjv' niet aanmaken: Bestand of map bestaat niet
cp: kan het normale bestand '/home/rob/.jriver/Media Center 30/Visualizations/Vis Studio/Spectrum Analyzer/Purple Dance.mjv' niet aanmaken: Bestand of map bestaat niet
cp: kan het normale bestand '/home/rob/.jriver/Media Center 30/Visualizations/Vis Studio/Spectrum Analyzer/Stereo.mjv' niet aanmaken: Bestand of map bestaat niet
cp: kan het normale bestand '/home/rob/.jriver/Media Center 30/Visualizations/Vis Studio/Tabby/Atomic peacock.mjv' niet aanmaken: Bestand of map bestaat niet
cp: kan het normale bestand '/home/rob/.jriver/Media Center 30/Visualizations/Vis Studio/Tabby/Ballfly melts.mjv' niet aanmaken: Bestand of map bestaat niet
cp: kan het normale bestand '/home/rob/.jriver/Media Center 30/Visualizations/Vis Studio/Tabby/Flowing radiants.mjv' niet aanmaken: Bestand of map bestaat niet
cp: kan het normale bestand '/home/rob/.jriver/Media Center 30/Visualizations/Vis Studio/Tabby/Paper sparkles cvar.mjv' niet aanmaken: Bestand of map bestaat niet
cp: kan het normale bestand '/home/rob/.jriver/Media Center 30/Visualizations/Vis Studio/Tabby/Wire hybrid.mjv' niet aanmaken: Bestand of map bestaat niet -> cannot make, file or map soes not exists


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #32 on: January 30, 2023, 08:06:14 am »

I would start fresh, run installJRMC --uninstall, remove your library files (rm -rf ~/.jriver) and then reinstall. You are missing directories and MC is either not creating them automatically or cannot create them. Could be a permissions issue or a corrupted installation.


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #33 on: January 30, 2023, 09:00:57 am »

Assuming that the home directory has the correct ownership and permissions and that the .jriver directory does not (you perhaps ran MC under sudo??)
In a terminal under the user running MC you should be able to do:

Code: [Select]
sudo chown -R `id -u` ~/.jriverthen
Code: [Select]
sudo chmod -R 755 ~/.jriver


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #34 on: January 31, 2023, 02:43:05 pm »

I would start fresh, run installJRMC --uninstall, remove your library files (rm -rf ~/.jriver) and then reinstall. You are missing directories and MC is either not creating them automatically or cannot create them. Could be a permissions issue or a corrupted installation.

I did, all fixed, thanks!!


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #35 on: March 26, 2023, 04:00:46 pm »

Some changes in rc7 on the path to 1.0:
  • A new generic installation mode for unsupported distros, which simply unpacks the deb onto the host filesystem without a package manager or dependency checks. Tested on Gentoo. This was the final feature I wanted to add before 1.0 so all distros are now supported (in theory). installJRMC will also keep track of the files that were installed via this method and will remove them with --uninstall.
  • Removed all uses of eval to make the entire script more whitespace-friendly. This has been something I've been working on slowly over time and was another 1.0 goal.
  • A new -y|--yes|--auto mode that will assume "yes" for all answers.
  • Lots of little bugfixes and more verbose --debug.


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #36 on: May 01, 2023, 05:55:13 pm »

Hi, I got the following error when trying to run the installer.  PLEASE HELP!

./installJRMC -d

 JRiver Media Center from remote repository
Debug: Running: installMCFromRepo
Debug: Running: installPackage wget
Debug: wget already installed, skipping installation
Debug: sudo apt-get update -y -q0
Ign:1 stretch-backports InRelease
Err:2 stretch-backports Release             
  404  Not Found [IP: 2a04:4e42:87::644 80]
Hit:3 buster InRelease               
Hit:4 buster InRelease               
Hit:5 buster InRelease                   
Reading package lists... Done
E: The repository ' stretch-backports Release' does not have a Release file.
N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.
N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.
Error: Package update failed!
Error: JRiver Media Center installation from repo failed


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #37 on: May 01, 2023, 07:13:47 pm »

Hi, I got the following error when trying to run the installer.  PLEASE HELP!

./installJRMC -d

 JRiver Media Center from remote repository
Debug: Running: installMCFromRepo
Debug: Running: installPackage wget
Debug: wget already installed, skipping installation
Debug: sudo apt-get update -y -q0
Ign:1 stretch-backports InRelease
Err:2 stretch-backports Release             
  404  Not Found [IP: 2a04:4e42:87::644 80]
Hit:3 buster InRelease               
Hit:4 buster InRelease               
Hit:5 buster InRelease                   
Reading package lists... Done
E: The repository ' stretch-backports Release' does not have a Release file.
N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.
N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.
Error: Package update failed!
Error: JRiver Media Center installation from repo failed

This has not much to do with the script but one of your repositories is gone.

Seems as though debian have changed some things around with the stretch repositories. Try the following.

Code: [Select]
# Backup just in case
sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup

# Commands to replace stuff in sources.list
sudo sed -i s/ /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo sed -i 's|||g' /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo sed -i '/stretch-updates/d' /etc/apt/sources.list

# Try if update works now
sudo apt update
# NOTE: Donīt do this if the command above already spits out errors better to restart with the original sources.list file and replace things by hand then
sudo apt upgrade -y

Btw, stretch EOL is 30 June 2022 iīd recommend you upgrade when you find the time. But this should fix your error right now. In place upgrades can be done, Iīd recommend you upgrade to debian 10 and not to 11 (never tried to jump 2 versions at once donīt know if that is supposed to work). You can upgrade to 11 afterwards. But otherwise this always worked out fine for me with occasional minor hickups.


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #38 on: May 17, 2023, 12:38:56 pm »

Tried to install MC31 on my rPi4 and got this:

 curl -O &&  chmod +x ./installJRMC &&  ./installJRMC
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 59342    0 59342    0     0  62928      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 62995
Starting installJRMC
To enable debugging output, use --debug or -d
Using MC version 31.0.12 determined by webscrape
To override, use --mcversion
Installing JRiver Media Center from remote repository
Error: Failed to install mediacenter31. Attempting to continue
Error: Package install failed!
Error: JRiver Media Center installation from repo failed

Does this mean MC31 is not availanble for Linux yet?
I did manage to install Max's docker version without any problems, thanks Max!!
rPi5/8GB, Debian 12 Bookworm on SSD | JRMark (33.0.71): 2746
MacBookPro (2013), 2.6 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7, MacOS 11.7.17 | JRMark (33.0.71): 3034
Mac Studio M2 Max, 64GB, 1TB SSD, macOS Sequoia 15.1.1 | JRMark (33.0.71): 8956
Docker Container (shiomax) DS1819+ | JRMark (33.0.71): 1449
JRemote 3.43
MO 4Media 1.5.7 | Marantz SR7007 (RSL 5.1) HDMI to MacBookPro


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #39 on: May 18, 2023, 01:40:56 pm »

Tried to install MC31 on my rPi4 and got this:

 curl -O &&  chmod +x ./installJRMC &&  ./installJRMC
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 59342    0 59342    0     0  62928      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 62995
Starting installJRMC
To enable debugging output, use --debug or -d
Using MC version 31.0.12 determined by webscrape
To override, use --mcversion
Installing JRiver Media Center from remote repository
Error: Failed to install mediacenter31. Attempting to continue
Error: Package install failed!
Error: JRiver Media Center installation from repo failed

Does this mean MC31 is not availanble for Linux yet?
I did manage to install Max's docker version without any problems, thanks Max!!

This is probably a dependency issue, you can enable debugging ./installJRMC --debug to confirm, if so you can check the MC31 thread for a workaround in the meantime:

Code: [Select]
./installJRMC --install local --compat


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #40 on: May 18, 2023, 03:01:14 pm »

It is in the latest repo under bullseye.


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #41 on: May 19, 2023, 09:26:53 am »

It is in the latest repo under bullseye.
Thanks Bob, this is what I get now:

 ./installJRMC --install local --compat
Starting installJRMC
To enable debugging output, use --debug or -d
Using MC version 31.0.12 determined by webscrape
To override, use --mcversion
Checking latest repo for DEB package
Checking test repo for DEB package
Error: Cannot find DEB file

I'll enable debug to see if there is anything wrong on my end

EDIT: This with debug on:

 ./installJRMC --install local --compat -d
Debug: Running: main --install local --compat -d
Debug: Running: init
Starting installJRMC
Debug: Detected host platform: debian 10 aarch64
Debug: Using host platform: debian 10
Debug: Running: parseInput
Debug: Debugging on
Debug: installJRMC version: 1.0-dev
Debug: Running: setMCVersion
Debug: Running: installPackage --silent buildah
Debug: sudo apt-get -f install -y -q0 buildah
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package buildah
Debug: Running: installPackage wget
Debug: wget already installed, skipping installation
Using MC version 31.0.12 determined by webscrape
To override, use --mcversion
Debug: MVERSION: 31, MCVERSION: 31.0.12, MCPKG: mediacenter31, MCRPM: /home/pi/output/RPMS/x86_64/mediacenter31-31.0.12.x86_64.rpm
Debug: Running: installPackage wget
Debug: wget already installed, skipping installation
Debug: Running: acquireDeb
Debug: MCDEB=/home/pi/output/SOURCES/MediaCenter-31.0.12-aarch64.deb
Using existing DEB: /home/pi/output/SOURCES/MediaCenter-31.0.12-aarch64.deb
Debug: Running: installMCDEB
Debug: ar x /home/pi/output/SOURCES/MediaCenter-31.0.12-aarch64.deb
ar: /home/pi/output/SOURCES/MediaCenter-31.0.12-aarch64.deb: file format not recognized
Debug: tar xJf control.tar.xz
tar (child): control.tar.xz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
sed: can't read control: No such file or directory
sed: can't read control: No such file or directory
Debug: tar -cJf control.tar.xz control postinst
tar: control: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
tar: postinst: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
Debug: ar rcs /home/pi/output/SOURCES/MediaCenter-31.0.12-aarch64.compat.deb debian-binary control.tar.xz data.tar.xz
ar: debian-binary: No such file or directory
Debug: rm -rf /tmp/tmp.Suok908Xzq
Debug: Running: installPackage --no-install-check --no-gpg-check --allow-downgrades /home/pi/output/SOURCES/MediaCenter-31.0.12-aarch64.compat.deb
Debug: sudo apt-get -f install -y -q0 --allow-downgrades /home/pi/output/SOURCES/MediaCenter-31.0.12-aarch64.compat.deb
Reading package lists... Done
E: Unsupported file /home/pi/output/SOURCES/MediaCenter-31.0.12-aarch64.compat.deb given on commandline
Error: Failed to install /home/pi/output/SOURCES/MediaCenter-31.0.12-aarch64.compat.deb. Attempting to continue
Error: JRiver Media Center local package installation failed

I am afraid I do not know what to do with this. If there is anything I can do to fix this I woudl appreciate any pointers.
rPi5/8GB, Debian 12 Bookworm on SSD | JRMark (33.0.71): 2746
MacBookPro (2013), 2.6 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7, MacOS 11.7.17 | JRMark (33.0.71): 3034
Mac Studio M2 Max, 64GB, 1TB SSD, macOS Sequoia 15.1.1 | JRMark (33.0.71): 8956
Docker Container (shiomax) DS1819+ | JRMark (33.0.71): 1449
JRemote 3.43
MO 4Media 1.5.7 | Marantz SR7007 (RSL 5.1) HDMI to MacBookPro

Awesome Donkey

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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #42 on: May 19, 2023, 10:20:29 am »

Speaking of, I actually noticed another issue with the aarch64/arm64 build of MC31 when I was trying to build a package to install it in Orange Pi OS (based on aarch64/arm64 Arch Linux). It was giving me permission denied errors for the file in the .deb package (located in the /usr/lib/jriver/Media Center 31/Plugins folder within the .deb package) when it extracted and tried to build a new installable package. Taking a quick look at it, it seems that file has no permissions on the file whatsoever, so it's tripping and erroring out the makepkg attempt.

Just thought it was worth mentioning, just in case anyone else experienced it.
I don't work for JRiver... I help keep the forums safe from "male enhancements" and other sources of sketchy pharmaceuticals.

Windows 11 24H2 Update 64-bit + Ubuntu 24.10 Oracular Oriole 64-bit (AMD 7900X CPU/AMD 7800 XT GPU/64GB RAM/2TB M.2 NVMe SSD)
macOS Sequoia 15.3.2 (M4 Mac Mini 16GB RAM/256GB SSD)
Windows 11 24H2 Update 64-bit (Intel N305 Fanless NUC 16GB RAM/500GB M.2 NVMe SSD)
JRiver Media Center 33 (Windows + Mac + Linux) | iFi ZEN DAC 3 | JBL 306P MkII Studio Monitors | Audio-Technica ATH-M50x Headphones


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #43 on: May 19, 2023, 07:37:00 pm »

Speaking of, I actually noticed another issue with the aarch64/arm64 build of MC31 when I was trying to build a package to install it in Orange Pi OS (based on aarch64/arm64 Arch Linux). It was giving me permission denied errors for the file in the .deb package (located in the /usr/lib/jriver/Media Center 31/Plugins folder within the .deb package) when it extracted and tried to build a new installable package. Taking a quick look at it, it seems that file has no permissions on the file whatsoever, so it's tripping and erroring out the makepkg attempt.

Just thought it was worth mentioning, just in case anyone else experienced it.
Not sure how that got in there.
Cleaned it out and am making a new build now.
Unfortunately I can't update the version number today so you'll have to refresh the repo (do an apt-get update or equivalent)

Awesome Donkey

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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #44 on: May 20, 2023, 02:53:37 am »

Groovy, let me know when it's up. :)

There's several other .so.dpkg-new files in that Plugins folder in the aarch64/arm64 build including, and I assume those aren't supposed to be there either?
I don't work for JRiver... I help keep the forums safe from "male enhancements" and other sources of sketchy pharmaceuticals.

Windows 11 24H2 Update 64-bit + Ubuntu 24.10 Oracular Oriole 64-bit (AMD 7900X CPU/AMD 7800 XT GPU/64GB RAM/2TB M.2 NVMe SSD)
macOS Sequoia 15.3.2 (M4 Mac Mini 16GB RAM/256GB SSD)
Windows 11 24H2 Update 64-bit (Intel N305 Fanless NUC 16GB RAM/500GB M.2 NVMe SSD)
JRiver Media Center 33 (Windows + Mac + Linux) | iFi ZEN DAC 3 | JBL 306P MkII Studio Monitors | Audio-Technica ATH-M50x Headphones


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #45 on: May 20, 2023, 08:38:34 am »

Thanks Bob, this is what I get now:

 ./installJRMC --install local --compat
Starting installJRMC
To enable debugging output, use --debug or -d
Using MC version 31.0.12 determined by webscrape
To override, use --mcversion
Checking latest repo for DEB package
Checking test repo for DEB package
Error: Cannot find DEB file

I'll enable debug to see if there is anything wrong on my end

EDIT: This with debug on:

 ./installJRMC --install local --compat -d
Debug: Running: main --install local --compat -d
Debug: Running: init
Starting installJRMC
Debug: Detected host platform: debian 10 aarch64
Debug: Using host platform: debian 10
Debug: Running: parseInput
Debug: Debugging on
Debug: installJRMC version: 1.0-dev
Debug: Running: setMCVersion
Debug: Running: installPackage --silent buildah
Debug: sudo apt-get -f install -y -q0 buildah
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package buildah
Debug: Running: installPackage wget
Debug: wget already installed, skipping installation
Using MC version 31.0.12 determined by webscrape
To override, use --mcversion
Debug: MVERSION: 31, MCVERSION: 31.0.12, MCPKG: mediacenter31, MCRPM: /home/pi/output/RPMS/x86_64/mediacenter31-31.0.12.x86_64.rpm
Debug: Running: installPackage wget
Debug: wget already installed, skipping installation
Debug: Running: acquireDeb
Debug: MCDEB=/home/pi/output/SOURCES/MediaCenter-31.0.12-aarch64.deb
Using existing DEB: /home/pi/output/SOURCES/MediaCenter-31.0.12-aarch64.deb
Debug: Running: installMCDEB
Debug: ar x /home/pi/output/SOURCES/MediaCenter-31.0.12-aarch64.deb
ar: /home/pi/output/SOURCES/MediaCenter-31.0.12-aarch64.deb: file format not recognized
Debug: tar xJf control.tar.xz
tar (child): control.tar.xz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
sed: can't read control: No such file or directory
sed: can't read control: No such file or directory
Debug: tar -cJf control.tar.xz control postinst
tar: control: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
tar: postinst: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
Debug: ar rcs /home/pi/output/SOURCES/MediaCenter-31.0.12-aarch64.compat.deb debian-binary control.tar.xz data.tar.xz
ar: debian-binary: No such file or directory
Debug: rm -rf /tmp/tmp.Suok908Xzq
Debug: Running: installPackage --no-install-check --no-gpg-check --allow-downgrades /home/pi/output/SOURCES/MediaCenter-31.0.12-aarch64.compat.deb
Debug: sudo apt-get -f install -y -q0 --allow-downgrades /home/pi/output/SOURCES/MediaCenter-31.0.12-aarch64.compat.deb
Reading package lists... Done
E: Unsupported file /home/pi/output/SOURCES/MediaCenter-31.0.12-aarch64.compat.deb given on commandline
Error: Failed to install /home/pi/output/SOURCES/MediaCenter-31.0.12-aarch64.compat.deb. Attempting to continue
Error: JRiver Media Center local package installation failed

I am afraid I do not know what to do with this. If there is anything I can do to fix this I woudl appreciate any pointers.

Code: [Select]
ar: /home/pi/output/SOURCES/MediaCenter-31.0.12-aarch64.deb: file format not recognized
It looks like the deb file may be corrupted, try removing it and rerunning.

If that doesn't work I will see if I can reproduce after the next build is released. I don't normally test on non-x86 arch so it could be related.


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #46 on: May 20, 2023, 10:03:58 am »

Thank you, Bryan

I removed the .deb file, which was 0 bytes and reran, to no avail. The new .deb file is still 0 bytes.
There also seems to be a problem installing the 'bildah' package
E: Unable to locate package buildah

./installJRMC --install local --compat -d
Debug: Running: main --install local --compat -d
Debug: Running: init
Starting installJRMC
Debug: Detected host platform: debian 10 aarch64
Debug: Using host platform: debian 10
Debug: Running: parseInput
Debug: Debugging on
Debug: installJRMC version: 1.0-dev
Debug: Running: setMCVersion
Debug: Running: installPackage --silent buildah
Debug: sudo apt-get -f install -y -q0 buildah
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package buildah
Debug: Running: installPackage wget
Debug: wget already installed, skipping installation
Using MC version 31.0.12 determined by webscrape
To override, use --mcversion
Debug: MVERSION: 31, MCVERSION: 31.0.12, MCPKG: mediacenter31, MCRPM: /home/pi/output/RPMS/x86_64/mediacenter31-31.0.12.x86_64.rpm
Debug: Running: installPackage wget
Debug: wget already installed, skipping installation
Debug: Running: acquireDeb
Debug: MCDEB=/home/pi/output/SOURCES/MediaCenter-31.0.12-aarch64.deb
Checking latest repo for DEB package
Debug: wget -q -O /home/pi/output/SOURCES/MediaCenter-31.0.12-aarch64.deb
Checking test repo for DEB package
Debug: wget -q -O /home/pi/output/SOURCES/MediaCenter-31.0.12-aarch64.deb
Error: Cannot find DEB file
rPi5/8GB, Debian 12 Bookworm on SSD | JRMark (33.0.71): 2746
MacBookPro (2013), 2.6 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7, MacOS 11.7.17 | JRMark (33.0.71): 3034
Mac Studio M2 Max, 64GB, 1TB SSD, macOS Sequoia 15.1.1 | JRMark (33.0.71): 8956
Docker Container (shiomax) DS1819+ | JRMark (33.0.71): 1449
JRemote 3.43
MO 4Media 1.5.7 | Marantz SR7007 (RSL 5.1) HDMI to MacBookPro


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #47 on: May 20, 2023, 10:18:16 am »

Our aarch64 file is called "arm64", so its looking for the wrong postfix. Might need an update to the script to accomodate for that?
You might be able to override it by specifying "--arch arm64"
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #48 on: May 20, 2023, 10:33:38 am »

Thank you, Bryan

I removed the .deb file, which was 0 bytes and reran, to no avail. The new .deb file is still 0 bytes.
There also seems to be a problem installing the 'bildah' package
E: Unable to locate package buildah

./installJRMC --install local --compat -d
Debug: Running: main --install local --compat -d
Debug: Running: init
Starting installJRMC
Debug: Detected host platform: debian 10 aarch64
Debug: Using host platform: debian 10
Debug: Running: parseInput
Debug: Debugging on
Debug: installJRMC version: 1.0-dev
Debug: Running: setMCVersion
Debug: Running: installPackage --silent buildah
Debug: sudo apt-get -f install -y -q0 buildah
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package buildah
Debug: Running: installPackage wget
Debug: wget already installed, skipping installation
Using MC version 31.0.12 determined by webscrape
To override, use --mcversion
Debug: MVERSION: 31, MCVERSION: 31.0.12, MCPKG: mediacenter31, MCRPM: /home/pi/output/RPMS/x86_64/mediacenter31-31.0.12.x86_64.rpm
Debug: Running: installPackage wget
Debug: wget already installed, skipping installation
Debug: Running: acquireDeb
Debug: MCDEB=/home/pi/output/SOURCES/MediaCenter-31.0.12-aarch64.deb
Checking latest repo for DEB package
Debug: wget -q -O /home/pi/output/SOURCES/MediaCenter-31.0.12-aarch64.deb
Checking test repo for DEB package
Debug: wget -q -O /home/pi/output/SOURCES/MediaCenter-31.0.12-aarch64.deb
Error: Cannot find DEB file

buildah isn't required, it's just a reliable way to get the latest MC version.

I added an alias for aarch64 to arm64 in my dev branch. You can curl the script from here:


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Re: installJRMC - MC installer for Linux
« Reply #49 on: May 20, 2023, 11:07:35 am »

Thank you Bryan, I appreciate your help
rPi5/8GB, Debian 12 Bookworm on SSD | JRMark (33.0.71): 2746
MacBookPro (2013), 2.6 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7, MacOS 11.7.17 | JRMark (33.0.71): 3034
Mac Studio M2 Max, 64GB, 1TB SSD, macOS Sequoia 15.1.1 | JRMark (33.0.71): 8956
Docker Container (shiomax) DS1819+ | JRMark (33.0.71): 1449
JRemote 3.43
MO 4Media 1.5.7 | Marantz SR7007 (RSL 5.1) HDMI to MacBookPro
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