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Author Topic: 30.0.45 on Mac Mini - can't seem to use "Get from internet" for cover art  (Read 863 times)


  • World Citizen
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  • Posts: 114

As the title says - if I right-click on an album with no cover art, when I use the "get from internet" - it goes through all of the motions, but doesn't appear to store the cover art in the file (no cover art appears.) However, if I download the same artwork, put it in a folder and then use "Get from file" it works with no issue.

Any ideas or something I should be looking for? I thought maybe it was a permissions thing - but I would think if that's the case, then  it wouldn't work with a local file either.

Thanks in advance.


  • World Citizen
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  • Posts: 114

I added Media Center to "Full Disk Access" in SETTINGS --> Security & Privacy --> Full Disk Access and it seems to have fixed it. If anyone knows if this poses any kind of a security risk, let me know. Thanks!


  • World Citizen
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  • Posts: 114

Spoke too soon. Still can't put cover art from the internet on newly ripped files. Essentially says that it's either not there, read only or in use. None of which is true. These live on a NAS - I've checked the file permissions on the folders and the subfolders - all have read/write for the everyone group.

Any thoughts?


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Probably permissions.  Can you write a file to it?


  • World Citizen
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Probably permissions.  Can you write a file to it?

I can do everything, it would seem except add the cover art from the internet. Not sure in the difference of how it pulls. If I tell it to "get from file" - it grabs it and writes it and shows up with no problem. If I use "get from internet" - it goes through the motions, including "saving tags" along with a countdown - but at the end, no artwork. I was getting an error previously saying it couldn't access the files - but that is no longer happening. So not sure what is going on at this point.


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Check where the art is saved.  Make sure it's writeable.  Try creating a file outside MC.


  • World Citizen
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  • Posts: 114

Check where the art is saved.  Make sure it's writeable.  Try creating a file outside MC.

Yes - I can write files outside of MC. The location is set to same as file and save inside tag is also checked. It does not appear to be saving a file from the internet - at least from what I can tell. It writes the name of the file into the tags - but the file itself isn't showing up.


  • World Citizen
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  • Posts: 114

Jim - I changed it to "save in a specific folder" - created a folder called "artwork" on the same drive - had the exact same permissions as the folders where the music was stored - and saving it to the "specific" folder works. So I have no idea why it isn't working saving it in the same folder as the albums, but I guess I'd consider it resolved for now. Thanks!
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