More > JRiver Media Center 31 for Windows


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We're about to begin the transition to MC31 so I'm thinking about where we go next.  I'd be grateful for your thoughts as well.

With a few exceptions, we now have a comprehensive digital media solution. 

OS's:  Windows, Linux, MacOS

Remotes:  iOS, Android, WebApp

Network:  UPnP/DLNA and Library Server

Formats:  100+ audio, video, image

TV:  Complete coverage of global formats

Metadata:  CD, BD, Wikipedia, Google, etc.

Streaming:  Cloudplay

And so on.  You know what a massive task it's been to build this.  Thanks to this great team.

Where to go next?

One obvious path is to absolutely perfect what we do.  There are too many times when I feel like we're there but something breaks or we take a step backward.  Some of that is normal given the shifting sands we build on.  But some of it is just a failure to perfect on our part.  The team is excellent at taking ownership of various parts, but we have a few strays cats that nobody wants to own. 

Another (and these are not in any order) is to add video to Cloudplay.  We could start with documentaries and small studios.  Maybe it works for photos as well.

We could focus on ease of use.  Adding a search to the options page was a big improvement that didn't take too much work.  We could provide links from features to instructions, for example.

We could improve the website. 

We could improve the graphics.

Evangelism by our community on other sites is extremely helpful.  Maybe we could reward it or recognize it better.  We don't get as much exposure on other sites as we could.  I think that's partly because this forum is so strong that users rely on it and not other forums.

DSP is an area where we're pretty good but there's a lot of room to grow there.

Database cleaning and repair?

my 2p... no particular order

cross platform (or at least more than just windows) feature parity
* JRVR is making a big step forward here so possibly there is not that much left to do here but there are 2 obvious remaining gaps that seem quite small on the surface, one is the lack of WDM equivalent (despite something like snd-aloop making loopback trivial on linux) and the other is the oft requested local playback capability (basically making the library being able to translate back and forth between linux/macos paths and windows paths)

"completing" JRVR
* basically all the features already discussed on JRVR threads

media network user friendliness
* being able to see/manage the network as a network of devices & markedly better communication when things go wrong (currently it's basically comes across as either "computer says no" or "computer is not saying anything and is just doing nothing for no obvious reason") are the most obvious points to my mind here

* I wrote,129609.0.html because MC is/was just too tedious & hard to use for complex DSP configurations, a piece of that was solved with the fixes in MC29 but it's still painful imo, the major gap here include: the types of low/high pass filters supported + lack of interoperability with other filter design software + a big list of filters being a really hard to keep track of when creating multiway speaker setups + no visualisation of the filter chain. Note that nearly all of this work is UI work (you can see from what I implemented that it's possible to do pretty much everything with the core dsp features available already, it's just really unfriendly to do it in MC itself)
* I would add to this the ability to let dsp studio be used with remote zones

I would agree that enhancing the already awesome JRVR would be a good area of focus.  I have a MacBook Pro in addition to my HTPC and it's awesome to be able to have so much functionality there.

As for evangelizing on other sites, I try as much as I can to bring awareness to JRiver whenever I can.

How about integrating an ability to create/manage virtual audio output devices (that incorporate/synch multiple physical devices) in the way that ASIO4ALL/VoiceMeeter/Mac can do?


--- Quote from: JimH on April 10, 2023, 03:24:16 am ---
We could focus on ease of use. 

We could improve the graphics.

--- End quote ---

I think many people would be interested in better ease of use, especially when importing a new film or TV series if you are interested in metadata, as well as in the graphic aspect (I only improved it thanks to the lepa template and Zrating), but I have the impression that this is already planned.


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