More > JRiver Media Center 31 for Windows


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--- Quote from: SamuriHL on April 10, 2023, 09:21:17 am ---I would agree that enhancing the already awesome JRVR would be a good area of focus.  I have a MacBook Pro in addition to my HTPC and it's awesome to be able to have so much functionality there.

As for evangelizing on other sites, I try as much as I can to bring awareness to JRiver whenever I can.

--- End quote ---
JRVR is at the top of the list.  Hendrik will have more to say soon.

I've seen your comments elsewhere.  Thanks!  It's extremely helpful.


--- Quote from: JimH on April 10, 2023, 11:07:28 am ---JRVR is at the top of the list.  Hendrik will have more to say soon.

I've seen your comments elsewhere.  Thanks!  It's extremely helpful.

--- End quote ---

That will be a huge selling point.  I know the goal isn't to necessarily replace madvr, but I would argue the closer you can get to that goal, the more people will be willing to pay for this awesome product.  There's a very large appetite in the HTPC crowd for something to replace madvr given the state of things.  JRVR has a STRONG foundation as it stands.  I can't wait to see it evolve further.  It'll make the job of evangelizing it on other forums that much easier.

When Hendrik starts a new thread on it, please give us advice on what's still missing.

Absolutely.  Would love to help it improve.  It already does a great job.  Some of the improvements depend on how much time/resources you want to dedicate to it, so we can discuss all that when Hendrick's ready.


Video / photo on Cloudplay sounds an interesting carrot with the other changes, but it's of no real use to me.

Graphics are nice, but have been muttered about before, and not too much happened.
Basically, by the public announcement if going down this road, you need a big 'something'

These are largely decent, but really could do with work in some areas. (I've posted before about image support in JRemote for Android for example)
Trouble is that they're not part of the main program, and are a little hidden and with an extra cost to entry :)

Database cleaning / repair?
Yuck  :D
We see very few to no reports of corrupt databases / missing changes, so don't push what you don't need.


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