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Author Topic: MadVR display mode / resolution change  (Read 1672 times)


  • World Citizen
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MadVR display mode / resolution change
« on: June 13, 2023, 01:21:21 am »

madVR with a JVC RS2100, with a desktop resolution of 3840x2160 / 23.976.  I’m using “switch to matching display mode” in madVR and specify 2160p23 and 2160p25. When a typical UHD is opened (JRiver MC30), madVR chooses 4096x2160. I prefer to use 3840x2160 and let the projector “zoom”.

JRiver’s change mode setting is off, so no conflict there.

How can I specify that madVR switch to 3840x2160 and NOT 4096?

Also, is there a way to have madVR “wait” before it begins rendering to allow my projector time to switch? I know JRiver has this feature if I allow it to do the resolution mode change - but I also use madVR with other players so I prefer to have it do the switching.

Thank you!


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Re: MadVR display mode / resolution change
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2023, 06:41:30 am »

You could try doom9 or avsforum for help with madVR.  They both have long dedicated threads.


  • World Citizen
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Re: MadVR display mode / resolution change
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2023, 02:28:32 am »

I've determined that the issue is with the Intel Command Center, for the Iris graphics in my PC.  When switching to certain resolutions/refresh rates it will default to the EDID reported native resolution as the "Active Display Resolution" forcing windows to scale the desktop resolution to whatever MadVR/JRiver is calling for.

The manual fix is to go into the Intel CC and select "Maintain Display Scaling".  Unfortunately, when switching resolutions this Intel CC will rever back to "Maintain Aspect Ratio" which presents the problem again.

This thread below suggests a registry fix, but it does not work for me:

Maybe a "last ditch" effort will be for me to build an AHK macro to open the Intel CC and switch that setting back after switching resolutions.
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