An access violation occurs whenever the following is done with MC9 in mini-me mode and the Digitized skin loaded:
1) Make sure the playlist is open/displayed
2) Click on the yellow S button to highlight the list of files (if there are no files, then play some music first)
3) Now click on the red minus sign next to it
What occurs is an access violation (error code 0xc0000005) at address 0x000000000049755c. The error occurs in the filename media jukebox.exe. A debugging of the error shows that it occurs in this series of instructions:
00497550 push ebx
00497551 push esi
00497552 mov esi,ecx
00497554 mov eax,dword ptr [esi+8]
00497557 push edi
00497558 mov edi,dword ptr [esp+10h]
0049755C mov ebx,dword ptr [eax+edi*4]
The registers are set to these values:
EAX = 00000000 EBX = 77D461BE ECX = 00D145E8 EDX = 00000001 ESI = 00D145E8
EDI = 00000000 EIP = 0049755C ESP = 0012FAA4 EBP = 00CD65DC EFL = 00000216
This is run on a WinXP box with current drivers and updates. I can provide additional information about my system if requested.