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Author Topic: Wiki  (Read 834 times)


  • MC Beta Team
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« on: June 21, 2023, 12:07:11 pm »

From this point on, as you make improvements, please commit to updating the Wiki with quality supporting documentation for every release.  Thanks.


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Re: Wiki
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2023, 12:21:58 pm »

From this point on, as you make improvements, please commit to updating the Wiki with quality supporting documentation for every release.  Thanks.

I like this idea.  However - documentation is time consuming and takes a good writer to be useful.  It's also a difficult task given how fast Media Center is updated.

I wonder if JRiver would consider "outsourcing" a major feature/function to a volunteer beta tester who expresses interest and can commit, and is likely to be a subject-matter-expert (or enough of one) who would take "ownership" of the particular wiki section.

Just a thought.  I haven't looked at the wiki in sometime, but last time I did, it was not particularly useful.  It's also difficult to strike a balance on the wiki between novice/average/pro users.  If I were JRiver I'd probably put this low on the list of things to invest time in, but perhaps some folks who have the time/expertise could do it.

(someone is probably going to respond it works this way already ;))



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Re: Wiki
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2023, 04:45:02 pm »

I like this idea.  However - documentation is time consuming and takes a good writer to be useful.  It's also a difficult task given how fast Media Center is updated.
No doubt about it, but that's why I introduced the word "commit".  It may very well take a significant financial commitment, whether that is one dedicated professional or spread among subject experts.  A wiki may not even be the optimum format, a major TBD.  It pains me to suggest documentation at the cost of development, but if that's what it takes, well I have come around to that viewpoint after many many hours invested in learning this program.

MC has forever been on a face-paced development run while too often relegating internal documentation to second (or third, or fourth, or voluntary) fiddle.  There are certainly many well-done high points in the wiki (I have a large 3-ring binder full of them, as well as valuable forum posts), but also many holes.  One might hope the ROI for JRiver would be significant in terms of increasing customer base, leading in the long run to a better, more popular and satisfying product with substantially reduced learning curve.

Note my OP was originally posted in response to Matt's thread seeking ideas for MC Image handling development.  That seems like a renewed thrust area, with a special opportunity to update documentation as it grows, potentially leading to a new expanded user community. One could imagine a whole book(let?) just for image handling.

OK, I'll step off the soapbox now and go out to do some gardening. :)


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Re: Wiki
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2023, 05:39:02 pm »

Just to cool you off a bit.

The wiki is already filled with great information.  Often people don't know it exists or bother to check it.

So is the forum.  For quite a few builds, we've documented new features here with the "NEW:" threads.  That allows questions, comments, and discussion.  The back and forth is extremely valuable.

Google is my favorite tool for learning about anything, including JRiver.  I often use it to find threads I've written and forgotten.

We also owe a lot of gratitude to the people who take the time to answer a simple question in great detail.  I often learn something just reading.  Thank you.

The best way to learn is to try things, and maybe not run before you can walk.

And pretty soon AI will answer questions and put us out of work.


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Re: Wiki
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2023, 01:51:59 pm »

  • Nowadays, what is the best way to actually get the body of the wiki updated (beyond just Release Notes)?
  • How about making a channel available that will "gladly accept", and act upon Wiki update requests in a timely manner, including relatively simple requests?

The swap() function has been updated in a pre-release version.  Will JRiver update its wiki topic at time of the Latest release?  At time of the Stable release?

The swap() wiki entry lacks a very helpful bit of information regarding escaping special characters.  While it is documented that escape applies to all manually input text expression arguments (Expression Language > Functions > Function Arguments), the info is explicitly present for unswap() under "Please Note".  It would be helpful to have that same reminder in swap().  A direct link to the referenced section would avoid having to page through the wiki.

Better yet, include '/' in the sample text expression arguments.  Including the escapes really brings home the message, outweighing the claimed benefits of omitting them to "simplify" the documentation.  The current policy adds confusion and increases the odds of making mistakes.

6/30/2023: edited
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