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Author Topic: Gizmo playback on my Arcam device pauses after each track  (Read 2893 times)


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Gizmo playback on my Arcam device pauses after each track
« on: August 06, 2023, 07:14:44 am »

My files live on my JRiver server upstairs in my 2 storey home. Tracks are alac or 320kb mp3. Probably 50/50. I play music throughout my home using old mobile phones connected to AUX devices without an issue. I love it. I bought a mid/upper range CD player and amp from Arcam (CD50 and SA20) which is set up in my lounge room (ground floor). I can use my phone's gizmo app, connect to my library server, and have gizmo play to the Arcam. BUT for some reason when playing a playlist, about 80% of the time, the track pauses at the end, and won't progress to the next track in the playlist. I need to manually skip to the next. I assume it is an issue with the setup with the Arcam and the gizmo app, as all other devices play as expected with no pausing.
Has anyone experienced this annoyance, and is there any advice to resolve it? I looked through the 28 support but can't find any advice.
Thank you


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Re: Gizmo playback on my Arcam device pauses after each track
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2023, 08:46:26 am »

Is the Arcam being used as a DLNA or UPnP Renderer?


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Re: Gizmo playback on my Arcam device pauses after each track
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2023, 05:51:50 am »

I think it's DLNA. The reason I think that is my JRiver server shows the Arcam in the list of devices in the Playing Now section. When I right-click it shows me the IP address, Associate with DLNA server (no options to select anything), and DLNA Controller Options (the second option is selected)


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Re: Gizmo playback on my Arcam device pauses after each track
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2023, 04:46:30 am »

Is that not the correct answer? Is there a setting where I can find and confirm the question you have asked? This is frustrating me as it just stops at the end of almost every song. Is there any other questions that you can ask to help troubleshoot this one?
Please. Help


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Re: Gizmo playback on my Arcam device pauses after each track
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2023, 05:48:19 am »

Controller options have settings.  Try changing them.  Start with SetNextAVTransport.


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Re: Gizmo playback on my Arcam device pauses after each track
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2023, 06:42:26 am »

Controller? You mean  Gizmo? I use Gizmo as my remote control. I have to hit the "next" button after every track to resolve the problem. I can't see "SetNextAVTransport" option in Gizmo.


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Re: Gizmo playback on my Arcam device pauses after each track
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2023, 03:17:48 am »

On my downstairs PC, I just installed JRiver 31. I followed the Audio Setup wiki. I connected my phone/gizmo app to the newly installed jriver, and told it to play through the Arcam. Mp3 files play, but alac files show an error on the Arcam screen "file not recognised - OK to continue".
This rings a bell and I may have experienced this before. I can't find that fix though. I wonder if there is a setting that would cause that error message?


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Re: Gizmo playback on my Arcam device pauses after each track
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2023, 05:58:56 am »

When you use DLNA, the server (MC) can convert or not.  You can change it.


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Re: Gizmo playback on my Arcam device pauses after each track
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2023, 03:22:59 am »

No conversion is occurring. But, I noticed that on Mediacentre, the issue seems to be caused by the software not knowing that the track has finished.
What I experienced on my phone Gizmo app, is an error pops up, "error communicating with server", and displays the track progress bar as being at the end of the track
The streamer (Arcam) switches to DLNA Search - it had been displaying the track info of the music being streamed
It appears as though the track has paused, and that's the issue I raised here
But today, I looked at Media Centre (it's upstairs), and noticed that the track appeared to be still playing. The timer counter was incrementing beyond the end of the track.
I guess that's why Gizmo stops playing music, and needs me to skip to the next track manually, IE, it thinks the track is still streaming, so won't progress on its own.


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Re: Gizmo playback on my Arcam device pauses after each track
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2023, 04:20:11 am »

Bump. See the above image? The track is 10:30. but MC is still counting at over 10:30. Meanwhile my Arcam network device is sitting in silence. I assume because it thinks the track has a silence at the end? So I need to hit the "next" button, which can't be correct, surely.
I'm at wits end here and would appreciate any help. Yes I have read the getting started tutorials, and looks like I am doing everything right. I don't even mind changing my process to get this working again.
Really simple. I have MC server upstairs. I have Arcam media network player (SA20) in my lounge room. I have gizmo on my Android "all I want" is to be able to turn on Arcam, connect Gizmo to MC server / library, and play TO the Arcam while controlling via Gizmo.
The obstacles, as noted above is that playback gets stuck at the end of every random song (its not every song) and I need to skip to the next track. Also sometimes the track buffers in the middle to playback pauses, plays for 5 seconds, pauses again etc.
Sincere thanks for any help in getting this amazing software working for my really simple set up.


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Re: Gizmo playback on my Arcam device pauses after each track
« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2023, 05:19:11 am »

Explore the settings for the renderer.  Look for broken...


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Re: Gizmo playback on my Arcam device pauses after each track
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2024, 01:50:23 am »

The settings for the renderer?
Broken what exactly?
OK. From jriver on my laptop, I can see the Arcam device.
I right-click on the Arcam and set it to associate with the bedroom laptop (jriver sever with all of the music files), and to use Generic DLNA
The DLNA Controller options have the top two selected (Ignore Transport Events, and Disable SetNext Support)
In the river settings now, I go to Media Network:
Configure DLNA Service
Audio mode is set to Original Format
The Advanced section had DLNA and DLNAextra
Also the Generic DLNA has been set to Mp3 format for high bandwidth.
Is that all correct or is there anything in these render settings which appear [/img]


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Re: Gizmo playback on my Arcam device pauses after each track
« Reply #12 on: January 01, 2024, 03:30:31 am »

broken renderer


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Re: Gizmo playback on my Arcam device pauses after each track
« Reply #13 on: January 01, 2024, 05:10:29 am »

"Renderer" is my streaming amp? All of the above conversation is meaningless to resolving the issue? So the conclusion is the streaming amp is broken? I'll do a factory re-set. That's the last step I guess, having bought a brand new laptop, setting up river28 and 31 with default and then restored settings. OK. I will restore the streamer to factory settings and see how that goes. This is an expensive hobby..


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Re: Gizmo playback on my Arcam device pauses after each track
« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2024, 05:59:49 am »

I'm assuming you're using DLNA.  The wiki has a topic on it.

A renderer is the device you're playing to.  Some don't support DLNA correctly.  We call them broken, though they may work for some things.



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Re: Gizmo playback on my Arcam device pauses after each track
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2024, 05:08:38 am »

Yes, I'm using DLNA on the renderer. The annoying thing is that it worked perfectly about? 6 months ago. Then I noticed it starting to get stuck. The renderer has not had any firmware updates. I don't think any settings have changed on the renderer, hence my query on the support forum.
I have followed the wiki instructions, and am now at the point of changing one setting at a time (PCM16. no Header, PCM 16 bit. MP3 low bandwidth, etc etc) and see if that resolves the issue.


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Re: Gizmo playback on my Arcam device pauses after each track
« Reply #16 on: January 03, 2024, 05:17:41 am »

Today I restored the Arcam renderer with a factory reset. I played streaming music to the Arcam renderer today for about 2 hours without any pauses. The reboot seems to have worked. I am grateful for the advice, but 4 months to get here is... an opportunity.
This product is amazing. I was hoping for similarly amazing support. Jim, get more people to help support this product, please.


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Re: Gizmo playback on my Arcam device pauses after each track
« Reply #17 on: January 03, 2024, 05:45:21 am »

OK.  Wait.  You restored the firmware on the device and it now works, but we didn't provide good support?

Seems like it really was a case of broken renderer.


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Re: Gizmo playback on my Arcam device pauses after each track
« Reply #18 on: January 03, 2024, 04:20:15 pm »

I must have missed the note where you advised me to do a system reset.
For anyone else reading this, the shortcut to fixing this issue was to do a factory reset on the Arcam renderer device. 30-second fix. Akin to the good old "reboot". which I am annoyed at myself for not attempting sooner. When all other variables related to the software (new clean install, various settings changes, etc) did not resolve the issue, the common factor was the Arcam streaming Renderer.
I am now enjoying my musical journey again with JRiver (and Arcam).


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Re: Gizmo playback on my Arcam device pauses after each track
« Reply #19 on: January 04, 2024, 01:35:49 am »

I must have missed the note where you advised me to do a system reset.

That's between you and your device manufacturer.  Our responsibility is to help you make sure you're using our software correctly.  If the device doesn't work (it's broken), you need to consider asking the manufacturer for help. 

Or use Google to see if you can find similar problems and their solutions.  You'd find your problem and solution in our Weird Problems thread:,24031.msg955341.html#msg955341
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