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Author Topic: Possible to move menus into active video area when zoomed onto scope screen?  (Read 824 times)


  • World Citizen
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I am toying with the idea of using zoom method for scope material on my scope screen instead of anamorphic lens.  Is there any way to move the menus / subtitles into the active video area so they are not off of the screen while playing a movie?  I have looked around the menu system but cannot seem to find?  I can do this with MadVR enabled but I would like to do it with JRVR if at all possible.


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Until you get a better answer, this is possibly related:


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If you have an Nvidia graphics card, you can resize the desktop to the scope screen dimensions and everything will be inside the screen area.



  • World Citizen
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If you have an Nvidia graphics card, you can resize the desktop to the scope screen dimensions and everything will be inside the screen area.

But don't we want to avoid Nvidia mucking with the video?


  • World Citizen
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If you have an Nvidia graphics card, you can resize the desktop to the scope screen dimensions and everything will be inside the screen area.

This does work, amazingly well actually, is there any concern about it degrading the video though?  Looks like maybe JRVR is handling it instead of Nvida?

If this is lossless its brilliant solution.


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You are effectively creating a smaller resolution and presenting it to the OS, and JRVR.
There should be no loss. If you have a projection setup where some areas fall outside of the visible area, this is a decent solution. Anamorphic projection would be better, but obviously requires additional hardware etc.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


  • World Citizen
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You are effectively creating a smaller resolution and presenting it to the OS, and JRVR.
There should be no loss. If you have a projection setup where some areas fall outside of the visible area, this is a decent solution. Anamorphic projection would be better, but obviously requires additional hardware etc.

I do have Anamorphic lens (ISCO IIIL and Cinedigitar) which are supposed to be about as good as they get but still I can tell when they are in place (loss of sharpness mostly).  No matter what I do with focus on projector(s) or lenses I can always tell they are there.

My proposed solution is dual projectors.  Top (Runco LS10i) will be for non-scope content (with ISCO III in place if I want to do scope) and bottom (Runco VX22d) zoomed to scope.  This way I can watch either content without motorized zoom or A lens.  Still have to see how this all works but with JRVR detecting both projectors and the ability to have different settings this is very easy to do.  The fact that we can buy really high end 3-chip 1080p DLP's pretty cheap these days doesn't hurt either....


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I do have Anamorphic lens (ISCO IIIL and Cinedigitar) which are supposed to be about as good as they get but still I can tell when they are in place (loss of sharpness mostly).  No matter what I do with focus on projector(s) or lenses I can always tell they are there.

My proposed solution is dual projectors.  Top (Runco LS10i) will be for non-scope content (with ISCO III in place if I want to do scope) and bottom (Runco VX22d) zoomed to scope.  This way I can watch either content without motorized zoom or A lens.  Still have to see how this all works but with JRVR detecting both projectors and the ability to have different settings this is very easy to do.  The fact that we can buy really high end 3-chip 1080p DLP's pretty cheap these days doesn't hurt either....

This is a sweet setup dude.


  • World Citizen
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I wonder if Nvidia resize is how MadVR Envy does this?

I tested this a lot yesterday and this is absolutely brilliant, no loss of detail whatsoever.

I am really liking this approach vs using an anamorphic lens.


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There is no resize going on with this option, not by the driver anyway - it's just masking a bit of the image and claiming to the OS that it's smaller/narrower.

The only resizing being done is now by JRVR to fit the image into the smaller resolution with the edges masked off.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters
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