I thought I'd give an update about this issue.
I ended up getting the switch recommended above set up as follows:
Nvidia 3060-->HDMI-->Switch-->
HDMI-->Marantz SR5010-->HDMI-->Samsung QLED TV all with full 4K/60hz and 5.2 sound
HDMI-->1080p monitor
The switch seems to work well, with no handshake issues anywhere so far.

I haven't had a ton of time to test the past week, but I did take note of Manni's post here (
https://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php/topic,137375.0.html) and found that I maybe get a few less dropped and repeated frames if I set up JRVR like he suggests (i.e., unchecking the "Use the display's HDR . . ."), but it's still happening (and frankly, I prefer the color palette in my TV with this option checked). At any rate, with his settings (minus bitstreaming), I was hopeful, but on an attempt tonight, I got about the same number of dropped and repeated frames as I typically get: 6 or so of each after about 10 minutes of a 4K mkv.
For the hell of it, I went back to madvr and the settings/profile I used to use (getting rendering ms. in the 19-21 range for a 23.97 4K file: see OSD on the attached image, just for reference) and got zero dropped, repeated, or delayed frames after roughly 30 minutes of a 4K Game of Thrones episode.
I'm wondering if Manni's possible solution might be good for JRVR too. Something seems to be amiss, at least on certain set-ups, given that I have no problems with madvr, other than I like the colors and overall image better in JRVR these days.