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Author Topic: Strange file import problem  (Read 1551 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Strange file import problem
« on: November 13, 2023, 07:33:50 am »

Recently, every music file that I import into MC is tagged by the program with identical information (shown in the attachment).  I have no idea why this is
happening, nor how to fix it. All suggestions welcomed.


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  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Strange file import problem
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2023, 08:24:29 am »

Tag on Import?,you%20import%20in%20the%20future.

I checked there. It doesn't appear to be a "Tag on Import" issue.  None of my folder settings: "Apply these tags (optional)" have anything in the dialogue boxes. So, this sudden insistence of the program to tag everything newly imported in exactly the same way is coming from somewhere else. It is very annoying, to say the least.


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Re: Strange file import problem
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2023, 08:53:58 am »

Your screen shot does not show the file name.  Be sure you have clicked on the file in question.  You may need to use the Audio > Files view in order to find your file.  Or do a search for your file based on the file name.

It's likely that your newest files have no tags, bad tags, or unexpected tags.  It might be helpful to post a screen shot of your new file(s) and their associated tags.  Like the details view in the Audio > Files section.

Best of luck,


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Strange file import problem
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2023, 09:12:50 am »

Your screen shot does not show the file name.  Be sure you have clicked on the file in question.  You may need to use the Audio > Files view in order to find your file.  Or do a search for your file based on the file name.

It's likely that your newest files have no tags, bad tags, or unexpected tags.  It might be helpful to post a screen shot of your new file(s) and their associated tags.  Like the details view in the Audio > Files section.

Best of luck,

Attached are screenshots of the files imported into MC and what MC did to them.


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Re: Strange file import problem
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2023, 09:29:54 am »

Your screenshot from Finder shows your files.  But your screenshot from MC just shows some album and it does not show the file names.  Are you sure they are the same?  Do the filenames match for the album that you show in your screenshot?  I suspect that's some other album and you have not yet located your new files inside of MC.  I could also be wrong.  Showing the file names will tell the story.



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Strange file import problem
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2023, 09:57:00 am »

Your screenshot from Finder shows your files.  But your screenshot from MC just shows some album and it does not show the file names.  Are you sure they are the same?  Do the filenames match for the album that you show in your screenshot?  I suspect that's some other album and you have not yet located your new files inside of MC.  I could also be wrong.  Showing the file names will tell the story.


My screenshot from MC shows what happened when I imported files with different file names ("Beethoven Piano Sonata" ... "Gounod Faust Waltzes", etc.)  It changed ALL of these file names into a single file name: "Lieder eines fahrended Gesellen i. Wenn mein Schatz Hochzeit macht"

And as you can see in the last attachment, MC still shows the original file names.


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Re: Strange file import problem
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2023, 02:20:57 pm »

Ok I now see that every file has the same metadata (song name, album name, etc).  Exactly as you said it was.  :)

Now the question is why.  Do you have a program to display tags that is not MC?  It would be nice to see the tags of one or two of your files before you do an import and then see them after.  I suspect that the files in question are tagged with what MC shows.

KID3 is a tag editor I have used in the past.  MediaInfo would probably be even better, as it is not an editor; it just shows values.  Even VLC would work.  VLC will show you Album, Artist, etc when you press Command-i on the current file.

I really don't know what could be going on if Tag On Import isn't set up.  MC gets the values from the file metadata.  That's why I'm asking you to examine it.

Best of luck,


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Re: Strange file import problem
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2023, 05:02:55 am »

It's likely that the App you're using to rip the tracks is writing the same ID3 tag to every track, so that's what MC imports.

Since the actual files seem to have accurate names, you can copy them to the [Name] field in MC:
- select the files to fix
- click on the "Name" field in the Tag Editor panel
- enter "=filename(,0)" (without quotes)

Make sure "Options-> General -> Update Tags when file info changes" is enabled so that MC can write back the fixed ID3 tag to the files.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Strange file import problem
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2023, 08:08:58 am »

Ok I now see that every file has the same metadata (song name, album name, etc).  Exactly as you said it was.  :)

Now the question is why.  Do you have a program to display tags that is not MC?  It would be nice to see the tags of one or two of your files before you do an import and then see them after.  I suspect that the files in question are tagged with what MC shows.

KID3 is a tag editor I have used in the past.  MediaInfo would probably be even better, as it is not an editor; it just shows values.  Even VLC would work.  VLC will show you Album, Artist, etc when you press Command-i on the current file.

I really don't know what could be going on if Tag On Import isn't set up.  MC gets the values from the file metadata.  That's why I'm asking you to examine it.

Best of luck,

Thanks very much for your response to my post.  I believe that your analysis is correct.  This is not a MC problem; rather, the program is reading what it receives.  I need to discover where in my recording import chain this tagging intervention is taking place.   I've tried to use Kid3 on my Mac and found the UI a bit confusing. I've downloaded MediaInfo and will give it a try.
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