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Author Topic: ezbeq: a basseq filter loader  (Read 8124 times)


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ezbeq: a basseq filter loader
« on: May 30, 2021, 03:13:28 pm »

There's an active community over at avsforum who curate & publish a catalogue of BassEQ filters. These have been shared for a while over at the beqcatalogue - - in which one can find approaching 4000 distinct titles which have been BassEQ'ed.

ezbeq is a simple, easy to use, web interface which accesses this catalogue and can load the filter into a supported DSP engine & Media Center is one such engine from v28 onwards thanks to the addition of the MCWS calls mentioned in,129345.0.html

Working support for MC28 is added in ezbeq 0.6.5 (or higher)

It can be run using the prebuilt versions for Windows and MacOS (see or installed as a standalone app (on any OS with python available, see for some installation instructions albeit ignore the minidsp bit of this page) or run in a docker container

The readme provides some guidance on how to install and configure - - or post here and ask

The required filters are appended to the end of the selected PEQ block, surrounded by dividers which contain some text to identify the loaded filter. This extra info is what allows ezbeq to understand if an existing BEQ is loaded and hence make sure that one, and only one, beq filter is ever loaded at once.

The main limitation right now is that only a single named zone for a single MC instance is supported. This will be extended later to enable multiple MC instances and/or multiple zones (discovered dynamically).

One important point to be aware of is,129345.msg899145.html#msg899145 which means it's not currently possible for me to really validate the generated dsp config loaded ok. This means

1) make sure you backup your DSP configuration
2) it's prudent to check the DSP config before playback (particularly if playing at spirited levels)

For the uninitiated, refer to

* for an explanation of what basseq is
* the community beq thread at avs -
* the community ezbeq thread at avs -



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Re: ezbeq: a basseq filter loader
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2021, 03:15:31 pm »

Thanks, Matt!


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Re: ezbeq: a basseq filter loader
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2021, 03:22:41 pm »

one other thing to note, I don't have any Macs so I've not personally tested this functionality against MC on the Mac. I have tested on Linux and Windows though so I am reasonably confident it will work as expected. If anyone does use a mac and tries this, pls do post to confirm it is working.


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Re: ezbeq: a basseq filter loader
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2023, 12:47:47 pm »

Hi Matt,

I am having trouble with ezBEQ on windows. My window does not stay open after execution. I think thats because the config is not right.

Do you have a example config file for JRiver usage?

In git, there is only a part of the config and I am not sure what i have kep from the original config file.

best regards Thomas


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Re: ezbeq: a basseq filter loader
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2023, 01:38:54 pm »

What does "My window does not stay open after execution." mean?

An example devices section below

Code: [Select]
      pass: mypass
      user: myuser
    block: 1
    - C13
    - SW
    type: jriver
    zone: Player


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Re: ezbeq: a basseq filter loader
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2023, 10:45:02 am »

Thank you very much,

I've downloaded it new and with a little adapting of your config it runs smoothly. For my pc a working ip address wars localhost (

After that I had to configure my zone and then it worked.

Thanks a lot

Bob Sorel

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Re: ezbeq: a basseq filter loader
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2024, 10:05:25 am »

I can't get ezBEQ to open properly regardless of how much I have tried modifying the ezbeq.yml file. Every time I try to launch the app, I can see a CMD window open for a fraction of a second, some data (that goes by me too fast to read) is in the window, and then the window over.
Here is the latest iteration of the ezbeq.yml file that I am using:
Code: [Select]
accessLogging: false
debug: true
debugLogging: true
      user: Bob
      pass: XXX
    block: 1
    - C13
    - SW
    type: jriver
    zone: Player
iconPath: C:\Users\bob
minidspCmdTimeout: 10
minidspExe: minidsp
useTwisted: true
I had originally tried port 8080, but even with a web browser I cannot connect to it, so I assume that some other application in my system is using it, but the web browser connects fine to I only have one machine running Windows 11 that has single installation of MC on it. I am not trying to do anything through my LAN. I do not own a miniDSP...does this program absolutely require one? BTW, I also tried deleting the 2 lines that reference the miniDSP, but that doesn't help either.

Also, using beqdesigner, when I test the connection to the server (in the JRiver MC tools window) to the same instance of MC on the same machine, it passes the connection test when setting it up, but comes up with an error when I try to connect the JRiver tool to retrieve the DSP Studio settings data, despite the fact that I have enabled BOTH parametric EQs within DSP Studio. The error reads:

Unable to load DSP file
Invalid file
Unsupported count 0

The same error pops up if I try to load the JRiver tool using a saved DSP file, so I think the problem is with the information in DSP Studio, not with the connection, but I could certainly be wrong. And once again, BOTH parametric EQs are enabled in DSP Studio, as I had read in the docs that at least one peq would need to be enabled.

Sorry for asking about 2 different apps in the same post, but I figured that Matt wrote both of them, and people who use one probably also use the other.

If anyone could offer any help for either problem, I would greatly appreciate it, as I am really anxious to try out both tools.

One other piece of information: beqDesigner launches just fine with no issues (after 3 or 4 tries) and I am able to load filters in through browsing the online data base ("Browse Catalog" under the tools section of the main window) and then save the files, but I can see no way to then send a loaded beq file to MC. Can I get around this problem by simply loading a saved filter into DSP Studio's Convolution block? Will that work? It is not as elegant as using ezBEQ properly, but I am getting desperate...  :(


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Re: ezbeq: a basseq filter loader
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2024, 10:51:46 am »

Open a cmd prompt and run ezbeq from there, you will then see the output and can paste it here without the window closing too fast (which means it must be exiting)

You may also find ezbeq.log in that directory, what does it contain?


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Re: ezbeq: a basseq filter loader
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2024, 10:52:19 am »

For beqd, save your DSP config to a file in MC and post it

Bob Sorel

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Re: ezbeq: a basseq filter loader
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2024, 11:02:20 am »

Hi Matt, I was just posting in your beqd thread, as I thought it would be better to handle the 2 problems individually. I have just posted my DSP config file in the other thread.

Many thanks!

Bob Sorel

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Re: ezbeq: a basseq filter loader
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2024, 11:50:03 am »

Open a cmd prompt and run ezbeq from there, you will then see the output and can paste it here without the window closing too fast (which means it must be exiting)

You may also find ezbeq.log in that directory, what does it contain?

Ok, here is the information from running ezbeq from a CMD prompt. I have only one file in the .ezbeq directory, that file being ezbeq.yml.

In my quest to try to get ezbeq running, I tried deleting the entire .ezbeq directory thinking that when I tried launching ezbeq.exe again it would create a new directory and files. It created the directory, but it only created the .yml file and none of the other 3 files that were originally there.


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Re: ezbeq: a basseq filter loader
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2024, 12:04:52 pm »


Are you 100% certain that file is the one you posted earlier? The log says it's not

Bob Sorel

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Re: ezbeq: a basseq filter loader
« Reply #12 on: February 10, 2024, 12:37:22 pm »

I have tried modifying the YML file so many times now that I can't be sure, so I just now deleted the c:\users\bob\.ezbeq directory and ran the executable again from the CMD prompt. I am attaching both the ezbeq.yml file and the cut and paste from the CMD prompt so that you can see what happens without any intervention from me.


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Re: ezbeq: a basseq filter loader
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2024, 12:50:42 pm »

the yml file is invalid (you've lost the indentation somewhere along the way)

if you delete everything and start it, the default config file generated assumes you're using a minidsp hence your problems

you must configure it as per otherwise it will not work

Bob Sorel

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Re: ezbeq: a basseq filter loader
« Reply #14 on: February 10, 2024, 01:40:48 pm »

Ok, I have tried again with no success. I have attached the 2 relevant files - the CMD text and the YML file. The YML is being modified when I run the ezbeq EXE file. The bottom line that says "minidspExe: minidsp" is added by the EXE...I did not put that line there! Why the EXE wants to add that line is beyond my understanding.

Somewhere along the line, the EXE created the missing 3 other files that belong in the .ezbeq directory. I just looked at the log file and it simply had this one line:

2024-02-10 14:06:55,025 - MainThread - twisted - INFO - __init__ - Serving ui from C:\Users\bob\AppData\Local\Temp\_MEI308282\ui

if that is of any help.

I tried using the EXACT same format as in the github link, but it failed miserably also, so I tried to recreate a file using the format you posted in reply #4 in this thread - That is what I attached here. I just don't know why ezbeq INSISTS that a miniDSP is involved.

I apologize for taking up so much of your valuable time with my stupidity. If I can't figure this out soon, I will simply give up and move on.

Thanks for your patience.

Edit: If worse comes to worse, is there a way to DL the bass filters from the repository using BEQDesigner (I have already done that) and get them into DSP Studio, using either the Manage JRiver Tool or by saving the filter as a file and then loading the file into the DSP Studio's Convolution block?


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Re: ezbeq: a basseq filter loader
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2024, 03:45:08 pm »

Edit: If worse comes to worse, is there a way to DL the bass filters from the repository using BEQDesigner (I have already done that) and get them into DSP Studio, using either the Manage JRiver Tool or by saving the filter as a file and then loading the file into the DSP Studio's Convolution block?
the merge tool supports jriver -> so that can be a workaround if need be. I haven't used that in a long time mind you but I'd think it should still work.



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Re: ezbeq: a basseq filter loader
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2024, 03:55:40 pm »

I tried using the EXACT same format as in the github link, but it failed miserably also, so I tried to recreate a file using the format you posted in reply #4 in this thread - That is what I attached here. I just don't know why ezbeq INSISTS that a miniDSP is involved.
you should find this file exists


if so, pls post it

btw, you're using the latest version right?



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Re: ezbeq: a basseq filter loader
« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2024, 04:00:39 pm »

fwiw just to check, I did the following

* download latest exe
* open cmd prompt
* run the exe (it blew up as expected)
* pasted your config into C:\Users\matt\.ezbeq\ezbeq.yml and edited the connection details to point to my setup
* run the exe
* all works fine

Bob Sorel

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Re: ezbeq: a basseq filter loader
« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2024, 05:25:18 pm »

Matt, I am really embarrassed....I really thought I was running the latest version, but based on the fact that the one you just pointed me to is about 1 MB larger, I am sure that I was running an older version, though I have no idea which version it was.

I DL'd version 2.0.5, replaced the old version I was running, copied my YML into the correct location, and then ran the EXE.

I assume that all is well, as the CMD window is remaining open and it appears to be building a database. It has been running for quite awhile now (over a half hour), but it updates the window every 5 minutes to let me know that it is still working. I assume that when it has completed building the database that it will then open the GUI.

My only excuse is that the dementia is starting to kick

Thank you big time once again!


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Re: ezbeq: a basseq filter loader
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2024, 05:36:05 pm »

It should take a few seconds to download the database, you can use it immediately basically, the cmd window stays open unless you use something like nircmd to hide jt
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