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Author Topic: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature  (Read 4034 times)


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2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« on: February 21, 2024, 02:33:12 pm »

I have a new desktop(2022). I dont have hw decod or videoclock checked, bc I did not had to do this until now. There was a bigger windows update last week. I dont know if that was causing it. I have not had any problems with this until now.

JRiver 31 latest build, jrvr.
Windows 11 pro, latest updates.
Cpu i5 12600kf
Cooler Master Hyper 212 Black Edition
16 gb ram
systemdisk ssd 930gb( 238 gb is unused space).
rtx 3050 8 gb

The cpu usage is low..around 17-20 percent, but temp can get 62 - 71 Celsius.

I read that it often is the thermal paste issue(desktop is pratically new), but I did not have this issue until now bc now I can hear the cpu fan spinn up..around 1300 - 1500 rpm. I could not hear my cpu at all from what I can remember. The only thing I could think of that has changed is windows update that came now some days ago. 14 february ..23H2 and aslo the framework got also updated. I watched Oppenheimer before this update and tried it last night..and then I could hear the wining from the cpu so then I checked the rpm and usage.

Why does the cpu get so hot with so low usage?



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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2024, 02:14:23 am »

Sounds odd.  I'd re-thermal paste the fan on the CPU.

Also, I'd just check the HW Decoding option.  No reason not to use that 3050 vs the CPU.

EDIT:  You may need to look at resource monitor, as it could be that one core on the CPU is getting hammered. 
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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2024, 11:10:11 am »

Thank You.

Yes I Am suspicous now og the thermal past which I alwayse are attentive when I apply it, not to much and not too thin and I apply it always even. But if the thermal paste itself was bad, then there is not much else to do.

I turned on the resource monitore...I see that it changes the cores usage..but one or two p cores simontanioulsy are very high I think...lay around 60 /70 percent usage and peak at 90 percent, but than it can be lower again but cpu fan is high 1600 to 1750 rpm.  I also turned on HWmonitor 1.53 and here I can watch in real time how hard the P-cores are used. I took a screen shot.

I dont know how good this information I give here are. On resource monitore...I noticed that often two cores get hit high(around 55- 70 and some peaks at 90 but not alot but 90 peak is high I think.


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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2024, 11:39:49 pm »

Looks fine to me.  Your P-cores are getting a workout but at 70c you are a long way from TjMax (100c for your CPU) so it is not thermal throttling.  Cooling seems to be doing it's job. 

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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2024, 11:47:07 pm »

Also why are you not using HW Decoding?  Your GPU is much more efficient than the CPU for this.
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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2024, 03:57:57 am »

OK! I thought my cpu was more than good enough and I did not hear fan spinning when I watched Oppenheimer almost two weeks ago or any movie..and some days ago I suddenly hear the cpu fan spinning. I turned on hw decoding now. So I let it be with that then. Thank You for your help. If there is anything I have to do, that will be to buy a better cpu fan.

One more question. Do You still use nvidia driver 531.79?


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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2024, 02:41:20 pm »

Ahhh, if it is CPU Fan Noise, then an aftermarket air cooler will be quieter.  If you can fit in any of the big dual stack ones from the likes of Noctua or Be Quiet they spin nice and slow.

I've not changed any of my nvidia drivers for ages.  This (my main PC) is on 535.98 with a 4090 and 2 x OLEDs but the others are on whatever I reported last time. 
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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2024, 04:09:10 pm »

Yes, the cpu is suddenly hotter, thus making the cpu cooler spin faster. After I built this pc, I have never heard the cpu fan until now. It was always quiet. So something is not like it used to be, that there are no questions about. But it is probably hard to find out. Also I find cpu usage around 17 and 20 percent as very low, so then it is funny, why does the cpu get so hot?. The precentage I just mentioned is overall usage. So it has to do with like You said some core get hit hard and need cooling down. But it was not so until now.

Only thing I can think of is windows update.


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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2024, 04:19:24 pm »

Yes, the cpu is suddenly hotter, thus making the cpu cooler spin faster. After I built this pc, I have never heard the cpu fan until now. It was always quiet. So something is not like it used to be, that there are no questions about. But it is probably hard to find out. Also I find cpu usage around 17 and 20 percent as very low, so then it is funny, why does the cpu get so hot?. The precentage I just mentioned is overall usage. So it has to do with like You said some core get hit hard and need cooling down. But it was not so until now.

Only thing I can think of is windows update.

You possibly need to "repaste" your CPU (that's not exactly the problem, I'll explain).
This happened to me personally (I've seen it many times) after moving a workstation. It ran for like 2 months in a temp closet during that time, and thus I never noticed the fans. Went to properly install it and noticed the fans were running pretty high and the temps were wild. Taking it apart, it turns out the cooler got ever so slightly loose enough at some point that there wasn't the same contact pressure over the IHS. Take your cooler off, gently clean the IHS with ISO, repaste, and reinstall the cooler.


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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2024, 05:27:47 pm »

Windows power settings?


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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2024, 05:55:17 pm »

Check to see if the cooling fins needs to have the dust/fluff blown out?
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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2024, 06:01:11 pm »

Ok Thanks!

1. power settings is set too high

2. Ill check for dust. I do not think this is the case bc it is placed above the floor.

3. Repaste. I think this is the solution. Maybe the paste was bad or something got loose as You mentioned.


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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2024, 06:29:41 pm »

Windows Power Settings > Quite or something other than high.


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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2024, 07:16:43 pm »

Ok I dont know if I understood your post correct, Jim. You mean I shold use lower setting I presume. I always thought high was the right choice and provided the best performance. When I set it at saving mode. The fan settles.

The benchscore dropped a lot. from around 8500 points to 4850 points. So the score is a lot lower. So a problem was created. one line tearing.

just osd all looked normal...but there was a horisontal tearingline a little up from the middle of the screen. So setting at saving settled the cpu fan, but resulted in tearing. both balanced and high...made the cpu fan spin up.  I also installed latest nvidia driver...and in the beginning the movie lagged and chopped a little bit. latest studio driver nvidia 551.61. I may have to reinstall driver. I used ddu to uninstall 531.79 and and after new drive installed i set it up in nv panel as recommended so many times and then re activated defender and then turned on lan driver again/turned on internett access again.

So I cant see what I did wrong here. but I will re-install. The movie setteled I think, but this I did not like.

I also cleaned the cabinett and cpu fan for dust. There where practially now dust to speak of.


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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2024, 07:06:45 am »

Did you enable Hardware Acceleration? There's zero reason to keep it off and it makes CPU usage much lower.


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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2024, 07:20:36 am »

Did you enable Hardware Acceleration? There's zero reason to keep it off and it makes CPU usage much lower.
It has caused problems with some graphics hardware in the past.  It's always worth trying it both ways.


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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2024, 04:01:17 pm »

I reinstalled nv driver.

Ok. found out that remux videos is heating up the cpu more than others it look like. I tried several.

but I found it to be very high difference in kbps in the wolf of wallstreet remux 68 gb.. spins up when it is high...but it has huge differences...from around 5000 kbps to 50/60 000 kbps to wopping 120 000 something short peaks. Such differances...are that even normal? bad rip?

oppenheimer.its a huge file..82 gb...and kbps is lies steady around 60 70 000 kbps. so this is the cause. But I still find it strange that I did not have any whining from the cpu fan when watching it last time..last week or so.

also blade runner 2049 remux 78 gb..has high lays around 55000 - 70 000 get cpu fan at 1350 - 1450 rpm..whining sound...
strange is when I saw this movie last time couple of month ago...there where no whining at all..

Anyway the problem is still logical and has to do with remux files especially large ones/ high kbps..and I am very certain that I did not use hw..since I have had both videoclock and hw decoding off back then. I am almost certain of it, since I have had it like this for some time now.

many other 4k movies are lower rpm and kbps.

So a better fan and maybe repaste is required.


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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2024, 04:44:06 pm »

Could it be not the fan, but a newly developed coil whine from the GPU under load? It happens too.
Or just a busted ball bearing on the fan, a new one might be needed.


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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2024, 05:08:04 pm »

I have set the gpu fans to 35 percent. Also in hwmonitor...I can see both gpu fans is steady around 1060 rpm. So no sound from the gpu and also I know it it is the cpu I recognize its sound and also I see it spin up in the hwmonitor tool as I play movies.. so it is the cpu fan.

Also I know when the cpu-fan hits around 1350 / is noticeable. And one more thing...if there is sudden shifts...and the fan hurry up to cool down the heat from heavier load...the sudden spin up is more noticeable,than if it is a slower this is different from movie to movie...two movies..when the rpm lies around 1200 and 1450 rpm..both movies sounds is more noticable than another.

but a new fan could still be it. I did not think of that solution, thank You!



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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2024, 01:52:18 pm »

I think repaste like eve suggested could be it. I put my hand on the rear exhaust fan and felt the air was warm. Maybe it is normal but I do not think it should be so easily warm only at load of around 19 percent. I am not sure as I did not feel the air of the exhaust before. But it felt a bit too warm.


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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2024, 02:48:45 pm »

...ahh but the average 19% load is misleading.  Some cores are near 100%.  They are producing the heat that needs to be moved.  While you can decode video on the CPU it is inefficient Vs the GPU as it has the decoding routines built in.  Just use HW Decoding. 
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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #21 on: March 03, 2024, 02:09:31 pm »

I have set the gpu fans to 35 percent. Also in hwmonitor...I can see both gpu fans is steady around 1060 rpm. So no sound from the gpu and also I know it it is the cpu I recognize its sound and also I see it spin up in the hwmonitor tool as I play movies.. so it is the cpu fan.

Also I know when the cpu-fan hits around 1350 / is noticeable. And one more thing...if there is sudden shifts...and the fan hurry up to cool down the heat from heavier load...the sudden spin up is more noticeable,than if it is a slower this is different from movie to movie...two movies..when the rpm lies around 1200 and 1450 rpm..both movies sounds is more noticable than another.

but a new fan could still be it. I did not think of that solution, thank You!

This whole thing sounds EXACTLY like a cooler that isn't making great contact IMO.

Reseat the cooler (you'll have to repaste, sometimes if you *know* the contact was good before you can cut corners but when the issue is this, that thermal paste needs to be cleaned off and re done). Make sure there's even pressure.



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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #22 on: March 04, 2024, 04:40:35 pm »

Thanks eve! I will repaste the cpu. This is the problem I think. I read on comments about paste that there are large difference in performance and lastly durance.

Awesome Donkey

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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #23 on: March 04, 2024, 05:26:23 pm »

When doing a re-paste always make sure you clean off the old thermal paste (using 91% or higher isopropyl alcohol and a paper towel) and use good quality thermal paste (Noctua NT-H1 or Arctic MX-4 or Arctic MX-6 or Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut Extreme, etc.
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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #24 on: March 05, 2024, 11:59:27 am »

repasted using Noctua NT-H1 and 2propanol( I could not get the specification on this blue clean iso, but it is the best I got and the result is not worse, so compared to first time cpu install shows it not worse, so I think it is good enough) and used a lot of time cleaning both cpu and fan. The result is a bit better I think,, rpm is the same but wine is there but lower, so I can still hear the cpu fan. So when times comes I will buy a better cpu fan to do the job.


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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #25 on: March 05, 2024, 02:10:56 pm »

Now it is just the same as it was. No improvements. Sound is the same also.


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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #26 on: March 05, 2024, 04:53:01 pm »

Also my cpu did not make any sound ever before. so something is changed somehow. BC before I played movies that did not make any cpu fan sound. so I have to use hw decoder checked now. Also I noticed that playing movies in hdr is much lighter on 31 than 32 when it comes to ms in ctrl + j. on 31 it is about 5.5 ms and in 32 is it is about 7 or 8 on same video. this was just a note about jriver 31 and 32. Back to the cpu sound issue..before christmas I saw Blade runner 2049 and I did not notice anything back then, but now it renders with cpu fan sound. It could be the cpu fan itself that is already ruined( I dont think so as the sound is not a new sound, I have heard the cpu fan on other occations and the sound is the same). I can not find a new one as these fans are specially designed and not the same as cabinet fans..bc the propell is much thicker blades pushing the air through the heat sink. I can not find this anywhere, only cabinet fans.


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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #27 on: March 22, 2024, 08:48:56 pm »

Unbelievable..installed new cpu fan...double fan(Thermalright Peerless Assassin 120 SE ) , even this spinned up and now also the exhaust rear fan spinned up simontaniously...while playing remux file of oppenheimer (82 gb). So one could hear the cpu and exhaust rear fan spin up..during some scenes.

people that bought this fan say it was quitet under heavy gaming load.

So I think something is not right. somethings changed somehow..that make cpu spin up...also when I saw 2049 before christmas cpu did not make a sound.

so something other than just movie rendering makes it hot.


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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #28 on: April 01, 2024, 02:10:55 am »

Unbelievable..installed new cpu fan...double fan(Thermalright Peerless Assassin 120 SE ) , even this spinned up and now also the exhaust rear fan spinned up simontaniously...while playing remux file of oppenheimer (82 gb). So one could hear the cpu and exhaust rear fan spin up..during some scenes.

people that bought this fan say it was quitet under heavy gaming load.

So I think something is not right. somethings changed somehow..that make cpu spin up...also when I saw 2049 before christmas cpu did not make a sound.

so something other than just movie rendering makes it hot.

Fan curve changed maybe? Do anything in your BIOS around the time you noticed this starting?
Also stupid question but are you 100% sure it's the CPU fan spinning up and not your GPU fan?



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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #29 on: April 01, 2024, 08:49:00 am »

I Am back from holliday. I forgot to do an update before I went off. I tested it one more time with Oppenheimer, and it was not that good as I expected to be. but it did not spin up this time I used it and I did a lot of forth and back looking for scenes with high kbps. I think I have to watch it one more time. Also Yes it was the new cpu fan.
I have done the manual curve setting in bios.  I think I have to check more when I have the energi to do it.


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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #30 on: April 01, 2024, 08:56:40 am »

We tend to notice the fan speed changes as the pitch also changes. For me I always set it as a low constant speed up to 75 C (or whatever the CPU can take) and then quickly ramp up the speed to cool it down if it goes above that. So unless I'm doing some heavy processing the fan just stays all the time at 25%, which is inaudible to me. Having it move between 25-50% depending on temperature is very noticeable, even when the 50% speed is by itself not so bad. It's the varying pitch that we notice and find annoying.


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Re: 2160p23 low cpu usage, but cpu get high temperature
« Reply #31 on: April 01, 2024, 02:05:46 pm »

Thank You for sharing Your setting :-) . I will do this pronto! I have it too low (but I never had any problems with that until recently). I have mine set to 68 or so
..75 should be no problem.

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