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Author Topic: [NIRCMD] WritePlaying Plugin - anyone got it to work with MC 64 bit?  (Read 617 times)


  • World Citizen
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I recently upgraded from v30 32-Bit to v32 64-Bit... and the old WritePlaying plugin no longer works and will not install.  (the url for the installer uses is no longer valid)

The WritePlaying plugin is still available for download on the JRiver Media Center PlugIn page.

Has anyone got the WritePlaying plugin to work with v32 64-Bit?

I know there were some hacks to keep it working with the MC 32-bit versions... but I can't find them.  I've tried copying from my old MC install for WritePlaying now to the new 64-bit install and MC shows it as a plugin, but errors when trying to run it.

All I used it for was to put the currently playing track name in the TaskBar MediaCenter... or Pause.

If WritePlaying will no longer work with MC 64-bit... are there any alternatives?


  • World Citizen
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[NIRCMD] WritePlaying Plugin - anyone got it to work with MC 64 bit?
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2024, 03:55:43 pm »

I've found using the freeware "nircmd" I can change the title in the Windows taskbar for the Media Center program.

Since I'm already getting the current track name using MCWS... easy to just call nircmd to update the taskbar program text.

nircmd win settext process "Media Center 32.exe" "my new title"


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Re: [NIRCMD] WritePlaying Plugin - anyone got it to work with MC 64 bit?
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2024, 06:33:43 am »

nircmd is awesome. I've had useful shortcuts setup through it for so long, I practically forget that I put in the Windows system folder lord alone knows how many years ago :)

How's that PlayingNow replacement project coming along? Are you planning to include FTP functionality?

Some alternative skins are here | Import Stats on Steroids | Middle click the close button=One of the neatest things added to MC in a long time


  • World Citizen
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Re: [NIRCMD] WritePlaying Plugin - anyone got it to work with MC 64 bit?
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2024, 11:19:30 am »

nircmd is awesome. I've had useful shortcuts setup through it for so long, I practically forget that I put in the Windows system folder lord alone knows how many years ago :)

Like you, I've had nircmd for years... my favorite is:

nircmd exec hide <program>  # which I use from toolbar buttons to prevent the terminal window from showing up.

I searched the web for a long time to find something that would change the Taskbar program text and was unable to find anything that worked and could be run from a command line... then I thought, let me look at nircmd and wooho... it was already built in.

How's that PlayingNow replacement project coming along? Are you planning to include FTP functionality?

Well it's not a PlayingNow replacement.  I only tried to duplicate the parts of PlayingNow I used.  All I used PlayingNow for was to write out a file with the fields I need on track/state change and then to call a program I wrote to update all of the screens around my house with info about the current/next track and what state MediaCenter is in (stop, pause, playing...).

I'm still struggling with handling all of the events I get.. some I simply want to ignore to prevent screen updates for intermediate events.  Like when a track changes naturally, I get a a "Pause" event with the playcount and lastplayed updated and then I get the Play event for the new track (handled).  And some how it seems my program gets 'stuck' and ignores all new events, gotta be my program and not MC, but I'm still tracking that one down.  Doesn't seem possible... but like all program bugs, once I see them it's like "of course..."

# WriteConfig 2024-03-10  10:05:48  25

CURR_ARTIST="Toler Brothers"
CURR_ALBUM="1994 Toler Brothers"
CURR_SONG="Goin' Down Slow"
NEXT_ARTIST="Toler Brothers"
NEXT_ALBUM="1994 Toler Brothers"
NEXT_SONG="You're Gonna Need Me"


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