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Dedicated Mini/Micro PC

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Awesome Donkey:

--- Quote from: Shasta Mike on June 11, 2024, 09:28:53 am ---thanks to everyone for the recs.  I looked on Amazon at various N95 and N100 and got a little freaked about some comments about some (kamrui) coming loaded with Trojans or worms that opened up networks.  Paying a bit more for a trusted brand is worth it to me.
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Personally I'd do what Bryan said and replace the M.2 NVMe SSD right off the bat then install a fresh OS (Windows, Linux, etc.). Then issues like trojans, adware/spyware, etc. wouldn't be an issue. Just make sure if you're going to do this and install Windows that you have the ethernet and Wi-Fi drivers on a USB stick or something so you can install them as you likely won't have internet access to get them otherwise.

I got a Topton N305 off AliExpress but there's others like CWWK (which apparently uses slightly better PSUs) and Hunsn.

Shasta Mike:

--- Quote from: Awesome Donkey on June 11, 2024, 10:25:17 am ---Personally I'd do what Bryan said and replace the M.2 NVMe SSD right off the bat then install a fresh OS (Windows, Linux, etc.). Then issues like trojans, adware/spyware, etc. wouldn't be an issue. Just make sure if you're going to do this and install Windows that you have the ethernet and Wi-Fi drivers on a USB stick or something so you can install them as you likely won't have internet access to get them otherwise.
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Wish I had the experience doing this.  I've installed Win95 onto a new HDD once when building a video editing PC ~20 years ago.  I'm sure it is not too difficult but I don't have the experience. That was back in the day when using a Windows install CD and long key numbers and such. 

I don't understand how digital OS licenses work. And, I don't have access to IT guys like when working at a big tech company whose brain I could pick and would walk me through stuff when needed.     

Shasta Mike:

--- Quote from: WinoOutWest on June 11, 2024, 10:19:03 am ---Another option is a used top-of-line micro (Dell, HP, Lenovo).  Most of these sold (in qty) on eBay are corporate off-lease units that are refurbished.  I have been selling these to my clients for about 5-6 years now (for those that need a solid, reliable office or home PC and don't need the latest and greatest) and never had a single issue with the 25 or so I have purchased.  Some suppliers will offer a full-year warranty and there are a variety of processor/memory options.  Parts and support are readily available as well as there are a ton of these things out there.  Just pick a reputable seller - all the ones I've purchased would be tough to tell from new.
It is also what has served as my JRiver HTPC that mainly drives my music.
Here's one example:


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  Thanks!  ordered!  $60 - what's not to like?   


--- Quote from: Shasta Mike on June 11, 2024, 04:39:08 pm ---  Thanks!  ordered!  $60 - what's not to like?

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Doesn't support W11 and W10 is EOL in a year.

Awesome Donkey:
Yeah, unless you're going to run Linux on it it's pretty much already obsolete, IMO.


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