Got a week off work, the wife began her usual list of decorating chores etc.
"Forget that" I says firmly, "I've a much better idea..." and pinch me, coz I got my way:o
So I dragged my old turntable + vinyl collection down from the loft, hooked the HiFi up to Line-in and am currently knocking back the Stella Artois while revelling in hearing some class tunes, bringing back class memories, while Media Center records high quality VBR mp3's. After a little "trial 'n' error" pre-testing, it's working flawlessly.
I swear to god, this app is an addiction. We get frustrated when
that particular bug hasn't been fixed yet, we are ear-to-ear grins when that other one
is fixed!!!!! Ahhh, the highs and lows of a Media Center liscence holder. Please guys, don't break the recorder and
thank you for all your continuing hard work.
Sucking up? Not me matey, never!!
I know I'm a consumer, that I don't need to say thanks, I should just demand I get what I paid for etc. etc. and believe me, if I felt that way,
everyone would know about it, but I don't.
I'm extremely happy with my purchase, which I see more like an investment, so why shouldn't I write about it!!!!!