First of all, thank you for your time. Our time is precious so it means a lot when it's given freely.
Both Google and I mislead you, the "Palatino" Font is supplied on the Mac but not on the Win11, instead it has one called "Palatino Linotype" so your guess is a good as mine as to which Font the New Version of Play is actually using on the Win.
I downloaded and installed the Palatino Font to make sure the PopUp was using the one in the main.xml and not some undisclosed default font.
On checking lines 10, 14 & 18 I spotted that line 18 did not contain a FontFace="Palatino" statement in it, so I added in the version I'm testing
I also created 3rd "pressed" state images for the Hide, Playlist and Show buttons and modified the main.xml accordingly.
With regards to the hide & show buttons and that annoying black square, even with images for all 3 states it was still happening, I reckon it could be down to the way those 2 MCC commands work on the Win PC.
Until a Mac version that includes the changes in the Win MC32.0.24 and MC32.0.25 is available it is a bit pointless doing anymore testing on that platform.
I did do some limited testing on it and can report that Tooltips on the Mac are exactly the same as they are on the Win PC.
Agreed re: the platforms catching up. If I'm honest, "pointless" also sprang to mind as the minefield of differing platforms
really begins to make my head hurt. More on that further on...
I don't know if you have spotted this but if a tooltip contains a "Char(10) " statement the space behind the "Char(10)" appears at the beginning of any line that is displayed immediately after one that contains "Char(10) ".
Yeah, I noticed, but decided I liked it better that way. Easier for me to read

Of the attached images:-
The 1st shows 3 different versions of "Play; the original "Dynamic" version, the New Version (I renamed it's folder and skin name to "Play 2") and "Play V" a modified version of Play 2 that uses the Verdana Font instead of the Palatino Font.
The 2nd shows both MC and "Play 2" using the Palatino Font whilst the 3rd shows both MC and "Play V" using the Verdana Font.
If you look closely at images 2 & 3 the Font Size in MC is 10 but the smallest Font Size specified in "Play 2" and "Play V" is 12; which technically means that none of the text visible in the Popup should be smaller than the text in the MC Standard View List Section it's sitting on.
N.B. Tooltips do use the same size font as MC.
I had a bit of difficulty following the images and their references, but, if the last one of each group is from the Mac, that looks great. Almost like I'd expect.
Earlier on, when I said "more on that later", here's the more...
I never made a tooltip for the stats lines because, here, for me, they
never got truncated. For me, that's just annoying. The info should be readily visible, you absorb it the instant you see it and shouldn't need to move the mouse for a tooltip if you want what's missing.
This whole interaction of ours has left me quite deflated. Please don't take that personally, I'm sure you know what I mean

I spend considerable time on these, and here on my Windows 10 Pro PC, I'm happy, results are great, functional, slick, and look pretty good too. It's such a neat new thing for MC33, I want to show others what's possible, and maybe, someone else will be inspired to create something not-yet-thought-of.
Then, I see how mental it looks on the Mac, and begin compromising how it looks on my PC in an attempt to make it at least presentable on the Mac.
We have no idea at all how Linux (with all its varied carnations) is interpreting things.
Floundering, I end up with two thoughts...
1. For this to work for all supported platforms, the xml is going to need to offer platform specific settings, along the lines that a standard view skin currently does, and anyone who's tried to produce a skin that fits all already knows what a headache and turn-off that is...
2. I'll make it look good at my end. If it don't look so good at the other end, the user will just need to either edit the skin to suit their needs/platform, or delete what they downloaded, muttering to themselves that marko is an ass to think that this is ready for release

You have arrived at the same conclusion as me regarding the irritating "black square". I'll report it as a bug and see if there's anything that can be done.
ET, thanks again. Your help has been invaluable to me. It will be the weekend before I get to have a proper play with "V" as well as the expression driven pop-up playing now list
