Apple Music users, please stand up

This reminds me of later days mp3 era, when high res art became more common but... "you want me to add 1MB art to a 5MB mp3 file, what, are you nuts?!!?" Then space got cheap, everybody wanted flac files, sure let's smack 2MB art on each of them, who cares. Now Apple comes along with this album motion invention for anything that's a recent of famous album so, sure, let's add a 13-20MB MP4 to each album. Who cares, space is still cheap.
I'd be curious how 1) The user doesn't become dizzy watching 30-70 animated squares on a full page album view in MC (maybe trigger it only on hover and on play?); 2) how will MC display/scroll/resize all those vids on the fly (performance-wise), depending on the zoom level chosen in the standard view.
And hey!, since we're talking video covers, I want live preview for any video on mouse over!