BACKGROUND. AFAICT, there are three source image files used for checkboxes by different parts of the MC GUI. Some names may vary, but I find this to be typical:
(1) OptionsTree.png. Ten subimages which include two for checkboxes (unchecked and checked).
Mousever: No.
Usage: Throughout the first and second sublevels of the Options Tree.
Also in Selected View Tab > hover > Customize View… > Settings pane.
File Locations: Either
(a) …/Data/Default Art/OptionsTree.png
(b) /Data/Custom Art/OptionsTree.png
(c) Skin directory and called out in file main.xml:
<ART>...<Entry Name="OptionsTree" Bitmap="OptionsTree.png" NumberImages="10" />…</ART>
(2) smallicons.png. Includes three images: Unchecked, GrayedCheck, Checked.
Mouseover: No.
Usage: In full blown usage, GrayedCheck is the “master” checkbox, which responds to and controls the “servant” checkboxes: Options > Library & Folders > Handheld > rightmost panel.
Unchecked/Checked images can also appear without a grayed checkbox, as in DSP tab “DSP Studio…”.
File Locations: Either
(a) …/Data/Default Art/smallicons.png
(b) …/Data/Custom Art/smallicons.png
(c) Skin directory and called out in file main.xml:
<ART> … <Entry Name="SmallIcons" Bitmap="Art_SmallIcons.png" /> …</ART>
The associated resource file images.xml must be located in the respective directory
(a) …/Data/Default Resources/images.xml
(b) …/Data/Custom Resources/images.xml
(c) Skin directory.
File images.xml contains references to the three checkbox images:
where p,q,r = index integers pointing to image locations inside file smallicons.png.
(3) Frame_CheckBox.png. Eight subimages paired into four "groups" UP, OVER, DOWN, DISABLED. Each pair contains an unchecked and a checked image (see document Standard View Skinning SDK).
Mouseover: Yes. Includes two OVER mouseover images, but is buggy (see below).
Usage: Most separate Dialogue Windows launched from the Options Window (with the exception of Options > Audio > Settings > DSP & output format…, which contains checkboxes of Type (2)).
Options > Encoding > Audio: File Conversion > Encoder: ... > Encoder Settings
Options > File Types > File Association
Options > General > Playing Now Popup...
Options > Library & Folders > Manage Library Fields > (varies with the selected Field)
File Location: The skin’s main directory. Called out in file main.xml:
<FRAME> … <Entry Name="CheckBox" Bitmap="Frame_CheckBox.png" NumberImages="8" Scale="3" /> …</FRAME>
BUG: Files (1) and (2) work perfectly. File (3) has a mouseover bug:
When the dialog window is first opened, moussing over a checkbox brings up the mouseover image as expected, for both checked and unchecked boxes.
Once a checkbox has been selected, the mouseover image remains activated for that checkbox until another active point in the window is selected, at which time the stuck mouseover image reverts to normal and the mouseover image gets stuck at the new active point (if the new active point is a checkbox).
Instead, the mouseover should revert to a normal non-mouseover state display as soon as the mouse moves away from the checkbox.
Win 11 Pro | MC 33.0.43