I can happily say that JRemote3 works wonderfully with Android 15's notification system and that 1) I can now see metadata and control playback on my smartwatch and 2) JRemote3 is detected by Pano Scrobber and can now scrobble playback to last.fm through it. YAY!
I'll start a little wishlist of requests for the future.
1) Add year (or date) somewhere when viewing an album along with bit-depth and sample rate info too.

The likely best place would be at the top left somewhere, maybe before the bitrate and file type? So it could appear like this:
1998 / 1053Kbps flac or something like that. Maybe uppercase the filetype too from flac to FLAC so it would look a little nicer, IMO. Or maybe use the little filetype FLAC image used in now playing? Add in the bit-depth and sample rate somewhere too and it's perfection! Though honestly I think the bitrate part can be hidden for lossless formats as that doesn't really matter at all. Matters for lossy, not really for lossless and could use that room to add year/date, bit-depth and sample rate info.
2) Add year (or date) on the now playing window somewhere.

Maybe this can go on the bottom right or in the center between the zone and the bit-depth/sample rate/file type area? There should be somewhere to easily put it in, since IMO it's a vital piece of metadata that should be shown during playback, IMO.
3) Add a feature to hide/remove the rating stars from now playing. Yeah, this again.

Not a fan of ratings as I don't use them at all, so it's wasted space for me. I don't want to end up accidentally selecting a rating, but thankfully I use read only authentication so any changes like that doesn't stick.
4) Add an option to switch to now playing when starting playback on an item. I've requested this before and I seem to vaguely recall a reason why it doesn't work, but again, posting this just in case.
5) Android TV support. This is probably the biggest, most complex request I have. Android TV is a bit of a untapped market I feel, with loads of Android/Google TV devices out there like the Nvidia Shield TV, Chromecast 4K, Google TV Streamer, RockTek G2 and variants, etc. Having the ability to stream video, especially from a server using JRVR, might be very appealing to a good number of users.
I'll probably have more harebrained ideas later when I have a chance to think of them.