One idea would be the Track Info page. I've always thought that was a missed opportunity to show more art. Besides whatever else is being displayed, have the one main, big image displayed (default to the main cover) and the rest of the booklet/images as thumbs, under it. Click on a thumb, it replaces the main big image. Maybe have the images cycle on their own as an added trick. Maybe have some user's choices how/what appears where by default (static cover, animated cover, etc).
Other random thoughts:
- sizing: while the 'cover' image from whatever source is almost always square, nothing else is. The booklets either scanned or digital are never made of square pages. Some adaptive sizing should exist.
- page display: some booklets have art that is spread on 2 pages and intended to be seen as such. Plus anybody who scanned their own booklets probably have done it 2 pages at a time. To think about.
- purposely categorize the art? To know for sure at any given time what is a main cover, what is a booklet page, what is back cover, animated cover, etc? Hardcode the names of media recognized maybe (just throwing darts at the board). If categorized we'd know the order, what effect to apply to what file (say, if every deciding to spin the cdart image while playing), etc.
- I'm throwing my hands in the air if anybody comes and says 'I have all the art for an album in a PDF file'. They exist. Again, to think about.
This is a great topic to explore. Love the ideas you guys come up with while on vacation
