I think this has something to do with JUCE.
With a convolution I used for a 5.2 system, I configured output configuration 7.1 (which I believe is equivalent to 2 with 6 extra). For this system the channel order went from L,R,C,SW,SL,SR to L,R,C,SW,RL, RR, SL,SR for the 7.1 channel mapping. So, in JRiver I swapped the RL, RR, SL, SR channels to make this work with the 5.1 input material to match the 7.1 channel order
I think I originally performed this swap after the convolution.
Now, this is the interesting part.... At some point the JUCE library was updated. After the JUCE update the channel order swap no longer worked correctly (nothing changed in JRiver) and to fix it, I believe I had to move the channel swap to before the convolution. It seemed as though the JUCE library was changing the channel order.
(Don't hold me to where the JRiver channel swap actually took place. I just know that the channel order behaved differently depending on the version of JUCE). My Dirac VST3 DSP chain also had to be modified after they updated JUCE versions for their VST.
Possible solution is to try the 5.1.4 mapping ..... When I started using my 10 channel setup for Atmos, I switched to the 5.1.4 mapping. For whatever reason, this output configuration requires no channel swaps. So, I would try the 5.1.4 mapping and see if that can get you going.
Seems a little weird but ....