MC34 will be available in a few weeks, but you can pre-order today at a great price.
You can help us build it and save some money. The license also works with MC33.0.71 or higher.
Please see below for special upgrade prices from previous versions.
You can use your Registration Code
from any previous version of JRiver Media Center. You can retrieve your Registration Code from our server (see below).
INSTRUCTIONSAre you planning to use more than one OS?If so, you need a Master License, which works with Windows, Mac, and Linux. You can purchase from the Help menu of a current version or you can go here:
Master License Upgrade ( << direct link ) $32.98.
Or do you only need Windows or only Mac or only Linux?Then you can get the new license here:
Windows Upgrade (direct link) $22.98.
Mac Upgrade (direct link) $22.98.
Linux Upgrade (direct link) $22.98.
PROBLEMS?Is your old license not accepted when you upgrade?
Make sure you're on the right upgrade page.
Use copy and paste with the license. 0 (zero) and O (letter) look alike. So do 1 (number one) and l or I (letters).
Don't have your license? Visit the
Restore Page and use option #2 to email yourself your license(s).
If you need more help, please read this thread and ask questions there:,140670.msg975661.html#msg975661MoreRestoring a license Restoring a backup of your library. MC makes them automatically. You can find them by using your OS file browser to search for zip files. MC33 can restore a backup from MC20 and above. MC can also restore your settings if you choose.
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