Hi KeystoneCop,
Part of the problem is terminology (or lack of). YADB does three things: CD lookup, CD lookup for recording, and track lookup.
CD lookup uses info from a CD to look it up in the database, returning artist/title/track info. This info is based on the CD table of contents, and not actual contents of the songs.
CD lookup for recording is similar, except it takes and artist and title patterns and looks for CDs matching those. It returns track names and lengths for easy recording of cassette tapes.
Track lookup uses a fingerprint of a single track to determine the title/author and other info for a track. Even if you submit tracks in blocks (like a CDs worth of tracks), the lookup is based on the characteristics of each track (and it doesn't matter if it is mp3/ape/whatever).
When you rip a CD and submit the info to YADB (via a right click on the CD icon and "submit to CD database"), you are only filling in the CD lookup/CD lookup for recording database, not the track lookup database.
If you highlight a song (or group of songs), right click on them, and tools->submit track info to YADB, this only fills the track lookup DB, and
not the CD lookup DB.
All of these work in Media Center 9. Only the CD lookup works in MJ8, but all should work in the next release.