It would but I'm a realist not a dreamer.
I dont mean to sound like I'm trying to put down the program because I love it, otherwise why would I waste so much time and effort with it.
This is the Beta stages and so I presume you want us being vocal about our thoughts etc. They're in no way meant to be in a bad way but hopefully constructively.
One thing about MJ though is that no matter how many new features you guys add, and you do a great job and add tons, the GUI never changes to reflect these. A few new buttons to reflect some great feature you've added would be so nice. Just make them THERE, in our faces, accessible in one click. Something that jumps out at us and says: Oh Look, nice new shiny powerful feature you can use! We can remove it from the toolbar if we want by choosing to do so and for people that aren't clued up enough to do this it's just as well you made it visible to begin with or they never would be able to
As I said once before, MJ is like Linux: Powerful, stable, reliable, trustworthy, everyone loves to praise it's power and stability yet windows which everyone slags off constantly is the dominant OS. Why? PURELY because of the GUI, not to do with reliability or stability or feature set.
They've finally realised this after years and Linux has over the last few years had some amazing GUI's made for it but it took them a long time to realise that people were that pathetic that when there was so much power they cared about it looking good or being clickable by pretty buttons in our face.
I'm not trying to put down MJ. Since the day I first found it when I had spent years looking for a Good Jukebox and tried over 15 other progs, I've loved it and stuck with it ever since and have recommended it to a large number of my friends.
I love the fact you guys interact with us and ask us for our opinions and you all seem like nice, friendly guys with lives other than just this and you listen to our requests and often implement them.
I know the GUI is a BIG job and so cant just be changed randomly but I think you have seen from this forum that almost all your users, including ones that have been around for years, your forum moderators, etc. think that the GUI needs updating.