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Author Topic: Media Jukebox 9.0 Preview VII - A - Part two  (Read 14502 times)


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Re: Media Jukebox 9.0 Preview VII - A - Part two
« Reply #50 on: October 02, 2002, 11:15:34 pm »

Back to the burn ordering for a second...

Does your player look at the Playlist.m3u file or the directory structure to determine the order?

If you selected "None" as the rearrangement method, then having all the tracks sorted in ascending order is exactly what I'd expect to see when viewing the CD from Windows or if you're player looks at the directory structure.   You're at the mercy of the file system and it sorts files in ascending ASCII order.

The Playlist.m3u file should, on the other hand, preserve the track order as it was in the the burn window.

I don't think it looks at .m3u. Have to find the documentation and see. I still think this is a bug. v8 can do this without sorting all the songs by track order. In fact, done this many times with 8.

Usually hustling in the morning, so I make a 'New Playlist', drag several artists entire albums to the list and send to burner. 8 goes about its business and spits out the disc when done. Never has it sorted like this. And, I would think if 'None' were selected as the option of choice in 9 this would be the same behavior. But then again, I still have not dug into 9 as much as 8.


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Re: Media Jukebox 9.0 Preview VII - A - Part two
« Reply #51 on: October 03, 2002, 06:55:26 am »

My experience with MJ9:
* MJ9 fails to import files that have a word in the filename that starts with a capital Ø (Norwegian/Danish letter). I can play them, but not see them. They where ok in v8.
*Files converted from ape to mp3 VBR lost all tags
* I would like the command and tools menus in properties to be (optionally) expanded



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Re: Media Jukebox 9.0 Preview VII - A - Part two
« Reply #52 on: October 03, 2002, 07:30:14 am »

I agree on the expanded commands and tools menus.  Would be nice certainly if apply and discard changes had their own buttons ;D

"It's called No Code because it's full of code. It's misinformation." - Eddie Vedder


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Re: Media Jukebox 9.0 Preview VII - A - Part two
« Reply #53 on: October 04, 2002, 11:46:52 am »

1 quick RFE:

Can the "Toggle List Style" button become a pull-down for the three view styles like the "View Filter" button next to it on the toolbar ?


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Re: Media Jukebox 9.0 Preview VII - A - Part two
« Reply #54 on: October 04, 2002, 03:30:49 pm »

Installed MJ9 into my "project" and I'm very impressed with it. Loads a lot faster than v8 ever did.

I used hibernation while MJ was playing a song. I figured I'd give it a test run. Well, everything booted up fine and MJ was right where it left off but it was stopped yet it was in play mode. Had to restart the PC, restarting MJ didn't do anything. Sound card must have been locked. I'm pretty sure v8 was able to do this.

Speaking of v8, I have my sound card set at 24-bit (24/96) and v8 was unable to do crossfades with that setting. v9 has no problem of doing it. So is 24-bit in v9 the same as if it was in v8? Stopping a track would stop immediately no matter what setting was used, in 8 or 9.

I am also use large fonts and when opening the properties tab, the spacing between the entries were mushed together (640x480). Not unreadable but some of the letters are cut off. I know this was a problem in v8 but has been fixed.

Despite all the little things that need to get ironed out, I think you guys are doing very well with v9!

I can't give my system info at this time otherwise I would.


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Re: Media Jukebox 9.0 Preview VII - A - Part two
« Reply #55 on: October 04, 2002, 03:41:55 pm »

I can't give my system info at this time otherwise I would.

It's a _car_thing_, right?   ;D

For those who don't know Dave (too bad, BTW), his "PC" is in the trunk (the boot) of a Pontiac.  He visited us last year:

So, Dave, uh, does Hairstyle work?
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