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Author Topic: Dave T's work on NRIRServ  (Read 1818 times)


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Dave T's work on NRIRServ
« on: January 17, 2003, 06:09:42 am »

I just found this post from Dave T on the AVSforum.  Here's the topic link:

and here's the post:

NRIRServ is here!
The latest enhancement to NetRemote is available for download here:

NRIRServ is an applet that runs on an HTPC with an IR blaster connected to it. NetRemote, running on a PPC or Windows PC can send Pronto ir codes to it, and NRIRServ will translate them and send them out the IR blaster. This means that you can now do everything with NetRemote that you can do with a pronto. Kinda-sorta.

1) Unzip NRIRServ.exe and the dll's into the same directory on your HTPC, and then run NRIRServ.exe. It doesn't matter where you put them, but they all have to be in the same directory. That's how NRIRServ.exe finds the plugin dll's.

2) Run NRIRServ.exe.

3) This will add an icon to your "system tray" (in the lower right corner of your screen). Double click the icon to set options (or right click and select "Options").

4) Choose the IR blaster you use. Currently, both the SlinkE and RedRat2 are supported.

[redrat is here: ]

5a) For the RedRat, click on the options dialog, and select the com port that the RedRat is connected to.

5b) For the Slinke, you don't have to set any options if you already have the SlinkE software installed, which I assume you do, if you already have a SlinkE.

6) If you want NRIRserv to run after reboot, click on "Start with Windows".

You're done!

To use it, load into NetRemote a CCF that has "normal" (non-RC5) IR codes in it. You can use either the latest Win32 or PPC versions of NetRemote. If you don't have any such CCF's created and want to play with controlling some of your devices, you should be able to get started with ccf's from http:\\

I did the RedRat driver, and Ben did the SlinkE one. And, they both actually work! Ben's is working a little better than mine, though -  - the RedRat seems pickier in running translated Pronto IR codes than the SlinkE. But, we'd love it if you could play with it, using the devices you have, and report back. Ben's still working on UIRT2 support, and I'll be creating a driver for the RedRat3, when that comes out.


- Dave

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