As far as I know you develop yourself in vb. So here's the coding:
If Trim(A1) <> "" And Trim(A2) <> "" Then
bA = (InStr(1, A1, A2) > 0 Or InStr(1, A2, A1) > 0)
bA = False
End If
If Trim(T1) <> "" And Trim(T2) <> "" Then
bT = (InStr(1, T1, T2) > 0 Or InStr(1, T2, T1) > 0)
bT = False
End If
qFS = IIf(FS1 > FS2, CDbl(FS1) / CDbl(FS2), CDbl(FS2) / CDbl(FS1))
qD = IIf(D1 > D2, D1 - D2, D2 - D1)
qK = IIf(K1 > K2, K1 - K2, K2 - K1)
Q = IIf(bA, 1, 0) |PLS| IIf(bT, 1, 0) |PLS| IIf(qFS < cMatchDiff, 1.5, 0) |PLS| IIf(qD < Val(txtDurationOff.Text), 1.5, 0) |PLS| IIf(qK < Val(txtKBitOff.Text), 1, 0)
As you might see, I calculate the quote by Artist, Name, Filesize, Duration and Bitrate. The "cMatchDiff" for Filesize is a constant about 1.015. The rest are the values entered into the textboxes in the setup-tab. If you have differences in filesize e.g., then you would not get a 100% quote.
Any suggestions?
Edit: I updated the plugin with a new autodeletion-option "delete same files matching in size,duration,kbits". Maybe this will do what you like.