I know it must be difficult receiving suggestions from users and trying to make everyone happy. You're doing great. Just remember that you can't please everyone.

And feel free to say 'No' sometimes.
I've been trying to think about how I would choose which songs to delete after DupFinder identifies the matching songs. I have a few suggestions. (Some of them are big...)
I don't think the percent calculation is very useful to me. If it's an exact match, then great, I'll delete either song. But if the match is less than 100% (whether it's 99% or 33%), I'll want to know what exactly the difference is before I choose to delete a song. The number itself doesn't help me make a decision.
Similarly, I can't choose most of the Autodelete options because there will always be exceptions. For example, if the songs are from two different albums, I would not want DupFinder to automatically delete the shorter song. I suggest that the Autodeletion options be limited to specific instances. For example, delete the shorter song
only if the song length is the only difference (meaning that the album names are the same).
Perhaps like this:
[X] Exact match - Delete either one.
[X] Exact match except bitrate (and file size) - Delete song with lower bitrate.
[X] Exact match except length (and file size)- Delete shorter song.
[X] Exact match except file size - Delete shorter song.
[X] Exact match except one album name is blank - Delete the song with the blank.
Can you have DupFinder identify which song to delete based on user preferences and make that song #2 in the top window (or #1, either way)? The user just has to "approve" the recommendations made by DupFinder based on the rules set by the user. These rules could be the Autodelete preferences above.
Currently, Autodelete copies the songs to be deleted to the bottom window. It's difficult for the user to do anything with that. It would be easier if the song data were next to each other in the main window.
And can you highlight what the difference is between the two songs? For example, if the artists and titles and lengths are identical, maybe we don't need to see them twice? We just need to see that one is recorded at 160kbs and the other at 128kbs - and that DupFinder suggests deleting the 128kbs file.
Also, how broad is the original search? I think I have many duplicates in my library where the artist is the same, but the titles are different:
One title might include "Live" or "a capella" or "remix."
One title may be truncated or appended (I Say A Little Prayer" vs. "I Say A Little Prayer For You.")
Many titles include the artist name, album, and track #.
Could DupFinder identify these songs?
Thanks. (And feel free...)
Just trying to help,