Here is a screenshot of an adaptive skin with the Windows XP Blue theme:

Here's the download link:'s what's new since v1.1:
1) Removed PopupOnVideo entry due to MC issues and replaced with ExcludeExtensions entry
2) Removed UnratedImage and replaced with GraphicalRating flag.
3) When GraphicalRating is set to True the unset graphic is a darker version of the Image.
4) Show a hilighted version of the rating icon when the mouse is over it.
5) Fixed issue where Windows color change detection sometimes didn't work.
6) Added a "Copy To Clipboard" right-mouse option.
7) Added a "Save As" right-mouse option.
8) Added <Application.Name>, <Application.Version>, Application.VersionMajor>, <Application.VersionMinor>, <Application.VersionBuild> tokens
From now on the setup program will always overwrite the supplied skins, so take a copy of the directory containing the skin you want to modify and make you changes there.