I have a bunch of music that I have bought on Napster and MusicMatch Downloads. They both use the protected WMA file-format. I was interested in Media Center because it said that it could stream WMA to my TiVo using the HMO. I am able to stream MP3's without a problem using the TiVo desktop and MC9.1. I tried streaming a few songs that were protected and they didn't play. In fact, my TiVo would reboot each time I tried it. I tried changing some options (sorted TiVo style, changed converted bit rate, etc.) and to my surprise, every protected song played. However, it seemed to put a considerable load on my network so I lowered the converted bit rate to 128. This worked perfectly. I decided to shell out the $40 for MC and after getting the key entered and restarting, my songs refused to play again. I've tried everything and I can't get the darn thing to work! I can understand if MC wasn't meant to stream protected music to the TiVo but it is frustrating to hear that because it was doing it just fine minutes before... Any suggestions?