Definitely need some updates to the replay gain (and album gain would be nice). Two considerations here:
1. "virtual album gain"
While we're waiting for album gain, in an album what if we just applied the gain of the lowest track to the entire album...would that in effect keep the relative loudness weights of all songs on that track?
2. Seems that MC9 uses 83decibels as their standard for calculating reply gain...which means I have to set the gain +6decibel when playing back to equalize at 89. This is fine...unless I listen to the online music station on MC9, then those compressed sh*t recorded at 95decibel hurts my ears and I can't take off my headphones fast enough.
Would it have been better to do audio analysis on my wma lossless files, add 6 to the replay gain number, then do away with activating replay gain in the DSP playback? Even if I wanted to do this, there is currently no way for me to update the replay gain attribute column except ONE BY ONE, and that seems like alot of work.
3. For my MP3s that I convert from wma lossless, I use MP3Gain to set the reply gain to 89 decibel so the MP3s I use in my portal and my car mp3 player will have the same volume...then I got redo the audio analysis on the mp3 files so that they will get the updated correct value...this takes a couple of hours for my large collection. Isn't there a way for me to update the replay gain attribute for my entire mp3 collection to -6 decibel (which is what MC9 will come out with after it's done analyzing the MP3gained files anyway).