I'm not sure I understand exactly what you want, but if you want to manage the MC database from a client PC (as opposed to a Pocket PC) it's easy enough. Just store the music files on the server, run MC on the client, and access the music files either via a mapped drive on the client, or by using UNC (eg //server/data/music)
(1) Store the music files on the server
(2) Run MC on your client, accessing the server for the music files
And then either
(3) Store the MC database on the client (default)
(4) or store the MC database on the server, i.e.
- look in Library Manager to find where the default library is stored on the client,
- in Windows copy the client directory across to the server,
- use Library Manager to open the server version of the Library to make sure everything is fine
- then delete the original Library on the client
The only thing you need to be careful about is trying to update the database from the client machine AND the server machine at the same time.
Sorry if this is obvious and / or isn't what you're looking for.