Firstly, MC10 is shaping up great. I find though that the column sorting at present is counter-intuitive.
At present, if you click a column header, the list is sorted on that column, and the header is marked with a "1". If you subsequently click on another header, it is marked "2" and so on.
This at first seems sensible, but I find it makes me have to first think exactly how I want the sorting to happen and work out in which order to click the headers. I'm always making mistakes, and have to remove the sorting and start over.
I propose that a more intuitive mechanism would be to make the last-clicked item the primary sort column (ie "1") and to increment the sort level of each previously clicked column.
Dammit, this is hard to explain!
Suppose initially there is no sorting defined.
I click the Name column, it gets sorted and marked "1".
Now I click Artist. What I want to see (ie what I *think* I should see) is the list sorted (ie grouped) by Artist, and then within each group, sorted by Name. This implies Artist should be the new "1" and Name should become "2".
Suppose I click Genre, now I would expect Genre="1", Artist="2", Name="3".
Currently, MC does the reverse. I think "my way" is more like Windows Explorer works (except that Explorer doesn't visually number its columns).
I would really like to see this changed please. As a bonus, it would be handy if double-clicking a column had the effect of marking it as "1" and clearing the sorting from all other columns.
Hope it's not just me!