JimH (and the rest of the crew at J River) - I have to say I really like this forum. I'm new to forums, and I didn't expect to be very interested beyond asking a few questions, but since buying MC and getting involved at INTERACT, I have been entertained and helped a lot, given my 20-odd posts. The atmosphere and personality of the place has also made me feel like I wanted to help anyone if I thought I could, even though my first reaction was to think that someone else with more experience and 'seniority' would step in. I figured that I wouldn't get sneered at if I was wrong, and that's a nice environment.
I suppose with a long history of involvement, familiarity and expectations increase, and maybe in a few years time I won't feel AS enthusiastic as I do now, but that is obviously NOT the case for many people who contribute here, and the point is that these are the people that create the atmosphere that makes it an enjoyable experience for people like me - so maybe I'll end up like them instead!
I think MC is a great program, and it was obviously created by people who think hard about the end-user. I was delighted when I discovered it and all the uses it has - it made about 10 other programs redundant for me, especially now that the Jukebox plugin is so efficient. I look forward to much interaction in the future.