I also wanted to be able to generate a list of music in this way.......
I have currently given up on excel and went with access as it gave me the control i required easily..... For those that are interested below is a fairly long but blow by blow account of what i did to get a list of artists followed underneath and offset by a list of thier albums. Fonts headings and spacing are adjustable....
In MC delete columns you dont want (in my case kept just artist and album name)
export playlist as delimited txt (i tried xml but access didnt seem to like it, but xml from other sources works as well)
open access and start new db
next click file - get external data - import and select file you just created in MC
select delimited option from import txt wizard - next
select other and enter pipe symbol (shift and backslash) - next
select 'in new table' - next
if like me you have a blank field at begining select do not import (skip) - next
select no primary key - next
in field under import to table enter a name for table - finish
In access you should have a new table with the name you just entered in last step
click queries - click create query in design view
in 'show table' that is now displayed highlight your file and click add then close this window
in the select query window there should be a small window with your file name as header. doulbe click all enteries accept *. If just artist and album fields in exported playlist there will be 2 enteries plus *
right click somewhere in the 'select query' window and select properties from menue that appears
click on 'unique values' option in the 'query properties' window now displayed and change option thatappears next to it to 'yes'
close this window - close select query say yes to save changes and give quer a name
clcik reports - click create report using wizard
under 'table/queries' in report wizard make sure the query name you just saved is listed
select the fields listed in the available fields box - next
at next window add fields under 'do you want to add groupings' - next - next - next - next - finished
You should now (if all gone right) have a nice list in the format discussed..