Not the data not having enought cds.
Data is quite good.
Just YADB having problemes to get it from time to time.
This are facts:
One days ,try to rip 100 cds.
Results you get: NUTS
Not in the data
Not in the data
ect ect ect
Put a cd you uploaded cd infos few days before == not in the data.
You close MC and open EAC.
Now , try this:
Just do not rip the cds.
Keep them on the side.
One day , open MC and try to rip.
You will get Cd infos for almost all of them.
Means YADB had a good night , meal or f..
YADB is in a very good mood.
You can rip for days and get all infos for all your cds.
...Until YAB has a bad night , meal ,or..
So , if when YADB in bad mood , one upload Cd infos to it.
It means that he is uploading the infos a second , or third , maybe more , time.
I see CD entrys i cleaned at the time having now more than one indentical entrys.
Another thing YADB may do or not.
If cd not found , YADB ask you if you want to use the INI folder.
But , most of the time ,it does not.
And out of the blue suddenly , yes , it asks.
To make short , YADB means sometime
You Are Definitively Blur
Quite often- To much often i would say.
With 9.1 if of any importance.